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Showing posts with label felt board. Show all posts
Showing posts with label felt board. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Lorax

What's It Wednesday #46

Oh my, we have surely missed everyone. Patty is having technical difficulties and I had a recent death in the family. Thank you for checking in on us!

Once in a while we get a little crafty here on Ivy & Elephants. I just love doing projects with my son Sebastian. Last summer I shared a cool project that involved silver and succulents in my Time of Summer Fun post. At the time my son was three years old. Now he is five and in Kindergarten. 

Dr. Seuss Lorax Felt Board - Pinterest
Let's start with the fact that the Kindergarten of today is not your mother's Kindergarten let alone my own. He had to select and read a book on his own, do a cute story web about the book he selected and create a project that depicted the story. Sebastian chose Dr. Seuss' The Lorax and I found this super cute project on, where else, Pinterest. 

So off to Michael's I went to get embroidery hoops, craft glue, google eyes, and felt. Since Sebastian is only five and unable to draw The Lorax, I went to Google Images to look for a line drawing (Like coloring pages) of The Lorax. I printed the drawing, cut it out, and then had him trace the shape of the character. He was then able to cut out The Lorax from orange felt. 

I did the exact same thing with the mustache and eye brows. I had him trace the mustache then cut it out of the yellow felt.

Then it was time to lay down the sky which was the light blue felt. I of course had to assist him by tightening up the embroidery hoop.

 Sebastian used one of the rings to trace the circle. He then cut out the circle and I cut it in half for him.

Sebastian glued the grass down leaving the top part for the sky.

Once Sebastian glued down the mustache you could really see Mr. Lorax taking shape.

This is when I found out that my five year was more anal then me. Not only did the eyes have to be set just so, he wanted to add a mouth as well. I let him cut out a mouth from red felt and he glued it in place. 

The Truffula trees were the most fun to cut out. Sebastian cut out the trunks of the trees from yellow felt. I was a little nervous about him cutting out the tops of the trees so I stacked three different colors of felt on top of one another and cut them out at the same time. 

Voila! The Lorax felt board is complete. Sebastian and I loved doing this project together. I placed all of the pictures featured on this post in a small photo album and sent it with the project to his teacher. She emailed me and said the project was awesome. 

I took each picture with my iPhone and added the Lorax backgrounds and text using the app Pic Collage. 

What cool projects have you done with your kids or your parent(s) did with you that you remember? I am always looking for ideas. 


Have a fun and safe Halloween!

Ivy and Elephants

 Thank you all for all that you do to inspire others! I know I am inspired each and every week by each and every one of you. 

Here are this week's fabulous features.

This farmhouse kitchen is so elegant and beautiful at White Lace Cottage

Kristy's Harp chair over at Shona Skye Creation is wonderful

This truly is the coolest sconce ever, over at Forever Decorating!

Janet at Cottage Blessings and a gorgeous set of pink depression glass

Sandy's amazing furniture makeovers are a must see at Love of White.

You will never believe what these beautiful pumpkins are covered with. You will have to go to Chantilly Charm to find out.


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