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Showing posts with label Vanity Tray. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vanity Tray. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Vanity Fair

What's It Wednesday #20

If you’ve followed our blog for a while, you know that there’s very few collections we shy away from. This week I want to share a work in progress with you. In progress because a collection is never really finished, is it? I'm in awe of all the beautiful dressing tables and vanities I’ve seen in blog land. So, I'm working on my own!

It started with a desire for a pretty powder jar for my dresser. As I kept my eyes peeled, I’d find one here and there and learn as I’d go. I found so many unusual pieces rouge pots, hair receivers, even toothbrush holders!  Plus, they came in so many different materials from porcelain, brass, sterling, ormolu, even Bakelite! Nevertheless, I knew I loved leaded glass with the silver tops, so I decided to start there.

This powder shaker is my absolute favorite! Even the dealer who sold it to me didn’t know how it worked. As I cleaned it, I found a tiny lever that slides out to release the powder. Amazing! The repoussé on this piece is incredible.

Well, just pretty jars on the dresser were somewhat bland. So, I found a silver tray to hold a hair brush, mirror, and a clothes brush I’d accumulated all adorned with this gorgeous nymph with flowing hair.

These pieces were all found separately, but inspired by the mirror, which was the first find of the group.

Once I found the basic pieces, I too thought I was done and happy.

Then came the nail file followed by the buttonhook.  Now, I’m always on the lookout for something unique and useful  for the vanity set.

 I leave you with my latest find, this cute little hat brush! The design on the handle is gorgeous! So the hunt continues, and the collection grows…

And thank you all for participating in our "What's It Wednesday" party!
Don't forget to grab a feature button.
Ivy and Elephants 

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Bustin' Loose

There seems to be a new obsession going around in the blogosphere,

(I think I know who caused it *winks*  aka Vanna at Delusions of Grandeur!).

It's the quest for these beautiful busts made of alabaster or marble. You can never have enough! Just ask Gloria over at Happy to Be. Once you have one you HAVE to have more!

Some of them come signed, like this lovely beauty from Paris.
 Paula has this lovely signed alabaster Geisha which was made in Italy. It stands before Alaagy's "Coming Together".

They are perfect for playing dress-up with jewelry, crowns, or hats.

No matter where you place them they add an air of elegance.

 This lovely lady is the keeper of Paula’s current books either being read or reread.

 This pretty maiden currently stands watch on my entry table.

 …but on second thought, maybe she’d be happier in the bath on this vanity tray?

 Next up is this little sweetie. She keeps her friend company on the entry table.

 She is also signed.

 I love her grouped with blue and white.

 Hey! Who’s this? Gertrude! What are you doing here? This post is about busts, not bronzes. 

Sorry about that…

 Now, this angel in pearls adorns the dresser in the boudoir.

 Here’s a group shot of the pretty ladies. 
Hey! Gertie get out of there!

 Oh, alright! Meet Gertrude, my beautiful bronze and ivory statue.

 Now, pretty maids all in a row.

 Last but not least, is this handsome couple. It is my largest piece and takes pride of place on a pedestal stand in the family room.

 By the way, do you like these sepia tones? I love the way it looks on René’s blog over at Miss Gracie’s House.

We hope this post has inspired you to “bust loose” and start a collection of your own. 

After all, everyone needs something else to collect, right?

Pat & Paula

Next Post:
“Mirrors, a Reflection of the Soul”


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Ivy and Elephants
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