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Showing posts with label micro mosaic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label micro mosaic. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

An Easy Pill to Swallow

This is my latest acquisition, a cute little pill box covered in Swarovski crystals. I must confess it is not my first. Let me tell you how it all started…

This is the collection of my friend Debbie. She started me on this road of antiquing and collecting. We’ve spent many a wonderful Saturday at flea markets and antique shows.

 She uses all of her pill boxes and chooses a different one to carry in her purse each day. I noticed that she had different ones, but when I saw them en masse, I was hooked.

And it began.
The little pearl one started innocent enough. I just couldn’t resist this one with all the sparkle and the little pearls. The first one needed a friend. But when I spied this one with the micro mosaic top… I was a goner!

 So as my passion grew, so did my collection.

 I try to find unusual ones made from different mediums, tortoise shell, petit point, porcelains, and cloisonné. 

 The beauty of collecting pill boxes is the variety, range of price, and their small size. They allow you to follow your heart and buy what you love! They are so plentiful and inexpensive. So pick a material, a color, or design. You’ll find that these boxes are an easy pill to swallow.

And thank you all for participating in our
 "What's It Wednesday"  linky party!
Don't forget to grab a feature button.

Ivy and Elephants

Here are this week's features:
Daphne Nicole - Lynda Cade
See this fabulous purse, can you believe I won it in a give-away? They make the most amazing creations! 
Thanks Daphne

Chickadee Home Nest
The Fairfield House
Sullivan and Murphy
Miss Gracie's House
Freddy & Petunia


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Ivy and Elephants
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