If you missed the second part of this true story, just click here before reading this.
I sat for a moment in silence absorbing what she had shared.
And then I informed her I had just had bloodwork done but nothing had shown up.
She sat quietly for a moment and then replied, “They did not do the right test. They forget to do one of the tests.”
I told her that part of my last blood work had shown the anti-bodies in my blood were fairly elevated (this is often a part of auto-immune disease). I wondered if that might be what she saw in my blood.
She replied that what she had ‘sensed’ was gaining strength and stressed again that I hadn’t had the right blood test done.
She then put a hand on me knee and almost whispered, “You have been very sad. You were once very strong and it is hard for you to be physically weak. But you will be strong again. It is just a very long road to that strength.”
And, yea. This startled me because it’s true. I have always been a very physical person…I like to dig and haul and build and have been unable to do any of that for about a year and a half now. It did me so much good to hear her say I would get my strength back.
She informed me that she sensed some of the physical problems had been with me for 35 or 40 years but that things had gotten substantially worse only 5 or 6 years ago.
True again.
I’m totally not sure why I wasn’t creeped out by any of this, but I wasn’t. I felt very calm and comfortable. Sitting in that smoky room I felt a sense of peace and hope really. And I really believed in those moments that things would feel brighter again.
We talked a bit more and she told me that the main problem right now was balance in my body and my heart...that nothing was in balance. I heard something very similar to this recently from one of my other doctors…that balancing auto-immune issues and hormone issues and adrenal depletion issues is a difficult task requiring constant vigilance.
Lisa and I conversed further about getting into balance and she assured me that getting the correct bloodwork done and the adjusting the supplements that I was taking, combined with her ‘balancing’ me would make a difference.
I asked if I should return for another 'visit' and she replied, “You will know if you should and you will know when to call me.”
Pausing again for several long moments she added, “You have been eating wheat flour. Flour is really bad for you, but you know this. Think of it like poison.”
I said I had been told to avoid sugar and a lot of dairy as well and she replied those things were fine but to think of flour as poison even though it feels like it is comfort.
She concluded by telling me to do several days of a clear fast and to see if anything came to me about a stronger cleanse.
I asked her to clarify that statement and she said she couldn’t and that I should listen to my body for the answer on a cleanse.
We sat a bit longer and then she said she had nothing further me.
I got up, amazed at how light my arms and legs felt. We hugged. She told me again how pleased she was at my open-ness to being healed. Again, I had that very strong sensation that the fog was lifting...and things were going to improve.
She doesn’t charge a set fee, but I gave her 40 dollars. It felt like the right amount. She didn’t really look at it but I sensed it was OK.
And now…the rest of the story.
Prior to seeing Lisa on Friday I had a blood test already scheduled for the following Tuesday. I called my Doctors office on Monday and asked if they had ordered all the usual tests.
An hour or so later, the assistant called and said she was e-mailing me a new lab order and because the order I had did not include the additional panels they usually run.
On Friday I got a call from both of my doctors telling me the labs showed a strong imbalance in TSH (thyroid) levels combined with a substantial increase in the antibody count. My vitamin B-s and D’s were deficient as well AND the magnesium/pottassium levels were out of the low/normal range.
So I got adjusted meds, and added and changed supplements as the Healer directed.
I’m still in the extreme headache phase of medicine adjustment (I’m really, really sensitive to any changes or additions to medications) but I do feel a distinct improvement in stamina and energy.
On top of that I talked to the friend who had recommended Lisa to me and asked her about her visit and her recommended testing.
She is colon cancer survivor and has had a lot of health issues over the past several years. She has been feeling pretty lousy for a few months now and heard about the Cherokee Healing lady.
When we compared notes her appointment was quite different then mine. No smoky cedar boughs, no pollen, no sweet grass burning, no protection of the heart.
But what she was told was that something was wrong inside her kidneys but whatever it was, was not terminal but needed fixed.
Lisa adjusted her supplements as well to deal with gastro-issues and other issues related to her cancer and told her to do a cranberry juice/purified water fast.
My friend had her tests done. Her kidney function was impaired due an undiagnosed kidney infection (with no typical symptoms), she changed her supplements and has been feeling better AND she was told she was allergic to eggs. My friend eliminated eggs and as a consequence a lot of the gastro issues are gone.
I’m still sort of in shock over this visit.
I don’t know if this works for everyone, but it certainly worked well for me.
I have not felt a need to return to Lisa yet, but I feel certain I will.
And that’s the end of this story for now.
You might have some questions, and I’ll do my best to answer them honestly to the best of my ability on Friday. I don't know why this worked or how she knew these things about me but I am totally willing to try and answer your questions in a kind of Q & A post.
Just leave your question in a comment here.
It was a fascinated experience, and I thank you for reading the whole story.