Showing posts with label Cherokee Healing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cherokee Healing. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Cherokee Healer - Part three

If you missed the first part of this true story, just click here before you starting reading this.

If you missed the second part of this true story, just click here before reading this.

I sat for a moment in silence absorbing what she had shared.

And then I informed her I had just had bloodwork done but nothing had shown up.

She sat quietly for a moment and then replied, “They did not do the right test. They forget to do one of the tests.”

I told her that part of my last blood work had shown the anti-bodies in my blood were fairly elevated (this is often a part of auto-immune disease). I wondered if that might be what she saw in my blood.

She replied that what she had ‘sensed’ was gaining strength and stressed again that I hadn’t had the right blood test done.

She then put a hand on me knee and almost whispered, “You have been very sad. You were once very strong and it is hard for you to be physically weak. But you will be strong again. It is just a very long road to that strength.”

And, yea. This startled me because it’s true. I have always been a very physical person…I like to dig and haul and build and have been unable to do any of that for about a year and a half now. It did me so much good to hear her say I would get my strength back.

She informed me that she sensed some of the physical problems had been with me for 35 or 40 years but that things had gotten substantially worse only 5 or 6 years ago.

True again.

I’m totally not sure why I wasn’t creeped out by any of this, but I wasn’t. I felt very calm and comfortable. Sitting in that smoky room I felt a sense of peace and hope really. And I really believed in those moments that things would feel brighter again.

We talked a bit more and she told me that the main problem right now was balance in my body and my heart...that nothing was in balance. I heard something very similar to this recently from one of my other doctors…that balancing auto-immune issues and hormone issues and adrenal depletion issues is a difficult task requiring constant vigilance.

Lisa and I conversed further about getting into balance and she assured me that getting the correct bloodwork done and the adjusting the supplements that I was taking, combined with her ‘balancing’ me would make a difference.

I asked if I should return for another 'visit' and she replied, “You will know if you should and you will know when to call me.”

Pausing again for several long moments she added, “You have been eating wheat flour. Flour is really bad for you, but you know this. Think of it like poison.”

I said I had been told to avoid sugar and a lot of dairy as well and she replied those things were fine but to think of flour as poison even though it feels like it is comfort.

She concluded by telling me to do several days of a clear fast and to see if anything came to me about a stronger cleanse.

I asked her to clarify that statement and she said she couldn’t and that I should listen to my body for the answer on a cleanse.

We sat a bit longer and then she said she had nothing further me.

I got up, amazed at how light my arms and legs felt. We hugged. She told me again how pleased she was at my open-ness to being healed. Again, I had that very strong sensation that the fog was lifting...and things were going to improve.

She doesn’t charge a set fee, but I gave her 40 dollars. It felt like the right amount. She didn’t really look at it but I sensed it was OK.

And now…the rest of the story.

Prior to seeing Lisa on Friday I had a blood test already scheduled for the following Tuesday. I called my Doctors office on Monday and asked if they had ordered all the usual tests.

An hour or so later, the assistant called and said she was e-mailing me a new lab order and because the order I had did not include the additional panels they usually run.

On Friday I got a call from both of my doctors telling me the labs showed a strong imbalance in TSH (thyroid) levels combined with a substantial increase in the antibody count. My vitamin B-s and D’s were deficient as well AND the magnesium/pottassium levels were out of the low/normal range.

So I got adjusted meds, and added and changed supplements as the Healer directed.

I’m still in the extreme headache phase of medicine adjustment (I’m really, really sensitive to any changes or additions to medications) but I do feel a distinct improvement in stamina and energy.

On top of that I talked to the friend who had recommended Lisa to me and asked her about her visit and her recommended testing.

She is colon cancer survivor and has had a lot of health issues over the past several years. She has been feeling pretty lousy for a few months now and heard about the Cherokee Healing lady.

When we compared notes her appointment was quite different then mine. No smoky cedar boughs, no pollen, no sweet grass burning, no protection of the heart.

But what she was told was that something was wrong inside her kidneys but whatever it was, was not terminal but needed fixed.

Lisa adjusted her supplements as well to deal with gastro-issues and other issues related to her cancer and told her to do a cranberry juice/purified water fast.

My friend had her tests done. Her kidney function was impaired due an undiagnosed kidney infection (with no typical symptoms), she changed her supplements and has been feeling better AND she was told she was allergic to eggs. My friend eliminated eggs and as a consequence a lot of the gastro issues are gone.

I’m still sort of in shock over this visit.

I don’t know if this works for everyone, but it certainly worked well for me.

I have not felt a need to return to Lisa yet, but I feel certain I will.

And that’s the end of this story for now.

You might have some questions, and I’ll do my best to answer them honestly to the best of my ability on Friday. I don't know why this worked or how she knew these things about me but I am totally willing to try and answer your questions in a kind of Q & A post.

Just leave your question in a comment here.

It was a fascinated experience, and I thank you for reading the whole story.

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Monday, October 4, 2010

Cherokee Healer - Part two

If you missed the first part of this true story, just click here before you starting reading this.

You might recall, I had left part one of the story just as I laid down on the mattress.

Lisa then told me to remember not to talk to her unless she asked me something specifically and then she began.

She started at my right shoulder and rubbed both hands firmly down the whole arm to the very tips of my fingers. It wasn’t a light touch. More a firm, slow rubbing. Again, I found it odd that it didn’t bother me. I’m always willing to give a hug but I’m not big on being touched. She rubbed over and over again. Sometimes she would put the palm of one of her hands flat onto my heart. Then she would rub that right arm again. Then she rubbed my left arm the same way. Arm, arm, arm…shoulder to fingers, shoulder to fingers, heart. Over and over again. She was humming a little bit but not saying anything. Then she started on my legs…thigh to foot. Same firm touch. Always returning to my heart. Over and over. And then she did my left leg.

Then she started on my right arm again but this time went from fingertips to shoulder, up my neck, put both hands on my face and sort of ‘pulled’ my face. It didn’t hurt.

This time when she put her hands flat on my heart she said ‘You don’t need this pain anymore’ or ‘The things that kept you safe can go now.”

While she was doing this I felt like I was floating. It seemed like I was in a room filled with fog, but it was probably just the smoke from the burning cedar. Again, it was more of a sensation, though, because I didn't open my eyes.

During the time she was doing this I felt huge emotions welling up in me…like that tight feeling you get in your heart and your face right before you start to cry really hard. But then she would put her hands on my face, pull her fingers through my hair, and the feeling would go away.

I didn’t feel uncomfortable or weird or weirded out anytime during this process.

She had some soft music playing in the background and I had my eyes shut. I had no idea how long had elapsed.

Then she said something like “I need to put a layer of protection around your heart, I am going to light some sweet grass and circle you with it.”

Again, there was a strong, sweet smell and I didn’t open my eyes, but the smell didn’t give me a headache.

Then she put her hand on my heart again and said, “The things you needed to survive aren’t needed anymore,” and sort of rubbed my head and my heart.

“Pollen. I am going to place pollen on your heart for further protection,” she said, softly. And I could hear her sort of making a blowing noise. I opened my eyes and she asked me close them.

Then she said, very softly, "Please just lay here until you feel ready to get up and then we will talk".

I had no idea how much time had elapsed. After a few minutes I sat up.

I felt very light. Like I had lost half of my body weight.

I got off the table, put my shirt and shorts on and went and sat in the chair.

I could see little bits of yellow on my arm and could feel something slightly sandy on my cheeks.

After a bit more time, Lisa came and sat in the other chair. She held up her hand and said, “I will talk now. If I ask you a question, you can answer it. But other question, please wait until we are done.”
The first thing she asked me was, “Why have you changed your magnesium?”

I told her that I had run out of the liquid magnesium I had been taking and had started using capsules. She told me, it isn’t working. You need to go back to what you were using.


“There is nothing wrong with your heart,”” she continued, “it is the magnesium.”

I started to talk and she raised her hand to stop me.

(Note: When my magnesium gets out of sync I get terrible heart arrythmia. It is quite painful. I had extensive testing done including some pretty icky tests and they could never find anything wrong. When I started to the naturopath she had me start taking liquid magnesium and it fixed all the strange heart runs)

Then she said, “You have many things wrong with you. But nothing is fatal. Nothing is terminal. You feel like you are dying sometimes, but you are not.”

I waited.

She asked me why I was not taking my B vitamins. I told her I had become toxic with them. She said my kidneys were working fine now (I have had a lot of trouble with my kidneys) and I was supposed to start taking them again. Sublingually, she added.

She told me to start taking flax seed oil.

She told me to take my magnesium at night. (which I’m supposed to do and somehow got away from)

She told me one of my medicines is horribly out of kilter and that I needed bloodwork done right away.

She asked me about my cholesterol. I told her I had just had it checked but it was great. She said she was puzzled because she saw something in my blood but didn’t know what it was exactly. She then added that whatever that was in my blood needed to be checked, but it was fixable.

This went on for some time. And then she paused for a long time and I started to talk but she held up her hand again for me to wait.

OK. Deep breath. This is just weird stuff.

She said she had placed protection around my heart. That I was a mother to everyone but my heart was like a sponge and not only did I feel everyones pain but that it stayed in my heart…and my heart was full.

She whispered, “You have had to be strong because your life has been hard; very, very hard. But you are safe now. The negativity that surrounds you is still there but you are protected now…it can’t hurt you any longer.”

The whole thing felt very surreal. She told me that the person who is my mother is facing an exploration of their past and is troubled by it. I look puzzled. She explained further that this person is the one I spend all my time with and that this person has very bad feet. I must have looked puzzled again because she added, “The person whose feet and back hurts quite often,” and I realized she was talking about my husband, Steve.

She told me that I am an intuitive and can feel peoples pain and that now I had protection I could continue with my works and continue to help people who were suffering.

I was just blown away by everything she was saying.

She told me that the people that were hurting me and breaking my heart over and over again would no longer be able to harm me. And that I could be around them safely and not worry.

I know you are going to be annoyed but writing about this is oddly exhausting.

On Wednesday I will tell you the rest of this story, including what happened afterwards. And what happened to my friend who recommended I go there.

I will just end right now by saying that every single thing she said to me was true. And I didn’t tell her any of this. And I wondered if my friend might have told her some of this, but most she doesn’t even know.

Give me until Wednesday morning and you shall have the rest of the story.

Thank you for letting me share this with you. It was truly an amazing experience.

To be concluded on Wednesday, October 6.

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Friday, October 1, 2010

Cherokee Healing - Part 1


Boy, do I have a story for you! I've been trying and trying to capture this in a way that explains more then it confuses.

At the same time I've been reluctant to share this story. I know a lot of people are skeptics about alternative medicines and healing but I feel like I should post this story for some reason. If you are the skeptical one, please be kind in your comments.

And now for the healing story.

To get to it, though, I have to lay a little ground work and hope it doesn't come across like I'm whining. So I'm going to give you this preface to the story and then you're going to forget all about it when this story is done. OK? Pinkie swear?

Good. I trust you.

I'm going to try to do this in a nutshell here...I've had a lot of chronic health and stress issues in my life. About four years ago things accelerated to the point that nothing in my body was working right. I had a few surgeries, lots of not very fun tests, and was tortured, poked and prodded, and then tested and tortured some more.

I lost track of specialists we saw and tests those specialists did. And each and every specialist found something wrong and tried to fix it but the decline continued.

I went to a French healer, and an acupuncturist, and to anyone who I thought could help me.

And each did help a little bit. But it was as if the symptoms they fixed made the other symptoms worse. To the point that in order to control the pain I ended up at a pain clinic and a doctor whose solution was to severe nerves in my spine. A solution they reached after performing procedures that could be used in a torture chamber for interrogation techniques.



No. I don't think so.

I continued on this road for a few months, cancelling and rescheduling the surgery several times. I had about given up hope for any other solution, when I stumbled across a lady at a natural foods store who sent me to a naturopath who was reputed to be amazing at solving unsolveable health issues.

Mr. Jenny took me because I was almost unable to walk by that time and I sat in the waiting room in agony with tears dripping continuously down my face.

This woman was a miracle worker. Literally. She gave me a 'cocktail' in her office containing magnesium and other stuff and all kinds of vials to do different testing and ordered a ton of blood and pee tests and gave me a shopping bag full of supplements and ointments. She gave me a shot of something. She gave me a strict diet to follow for 30 days.

Within a few days the charlie horses I was having inside my bones stopped. A day or two more and my heart problems eased down. Within two weeks I could walk without wanting to scream. I could sleep without sedating myself. Mr. Jenny could sleep through the night without being awakened by my screaming every hour.

No. Don't do that. Don't say, oh poor her. I am only telling you this to prepare you for the Cherokee story. I would just like to briefly add that I could probably write two books just about everything I experienced during this quest for health solutions.

My naturopath and my primary doctor started working together and comparing notes and they found that all the specialists had been right...there were lots and lots of little things wrong, and a few bigger things that added up to a miserable life.

And I've been really pretty good for a little over a year now. But several months ago things started up again and I could feel something was wrong. We tried a lot of the treatments that had offered relief before, but they didn't help. Both doctors started up testing again but nothing has showed up. And, again, the specialists aren't finding anything so we return to the a terrible case of awful health deja vue all over again... BUT...

When I went to get my hair cut (same girl for a long, long time) she told me, "OMG! I had the most amazing experience last week! I went to a Cherokee Healer." She told me all about it and then I asked for the number and called for an appointment.

The first attempt was a no go because something came up.

But I went last Friday and it was pretty jaw dropping.

And now, the story can officially begin. Sorry for all prefacing but it's the only way you will understand this story.


So...Friday afternoon as soon as Morgan left I took a bath and washed all the lotion and hair gel and stuff off preparing to go to my Healing appointment.

Then I donned my swimsuit, threw some shorts and a shirt over it, and told Mr. Jenny goodbye.

He seemed nervous. I was nervous. He offered to go along, but it was fairly close to the house and I wanted to concentrate on the appointment.

It was late afternoon. The sunshine felt wrong...on the drive I felt like it should be almost foggy. Instead, children rode their bikes on the sidewalks, a man watered his flower beds. Traffic came and went from four-way stops.

I arrived at the house. The yard was kind of cluttery and moderately messy. I felt nervous and uncomfortable...and not just from having my swimsuit on under my clothes.

I went up to the door and knocked and when it opened there was a woman standing there.

She had jeans and a t-shirt on and her long brown hair, shot through with gray, hung down around her shoulders. Her feet were bare. She had high, very strong cheekbones. And she had weird eyes. They reminded me of husky, not eyes that are chubby, but those odd, pale-gray eyes with the black rims around the iris' that you see on husky dogs.

She said, "Jenny? I'm Lisa," and that was it. She shook my hand and I followed her into the house.

She led me into a tiled studio that I'm certain must have once been the garage. There were two chairs facing each other. The room was filled with a very strong scent and smoky. I worried for a moment. I am one of those people that get a horrific headache around any strong smells. But I sat down.

She leaned forward and just started talking to me, calling me by name. Yea, I know, she knew my name from the appointment but it was odd and oddly comfortable. I felt like I had known her forever.

She held her finger to her lips and said, "I am going to tell you what we are going to do, but I don't want you to tell me anything. You are worried about getting a headache but you will not get one from the cedar boughs I am burning."

Then she laid her hand lightly on my knee and started talking. As she talked I got the strangest sensation of heaviness. It felt like my body was getting heavier and heavier and being drawn into the floor. It felt like moving my finger would be impossible. I tried wiggling my pinkie but it took too much effort.

She told me, "I can tell you are open to this" and I started to answer but she told me again, "I don't want you to talk now."

And then she proceeded to tell me what she would do. She said she would try to find the source of my illness, she would rub her hands on my limbs and my face and my heart. That she might talk to herself throughout the 'examination' but I was not to converse back. She told me she would listen to her 'spirit guides' for healing and that afterwards she would tell me what she had learned. And that then, and only, then could I ask questions.

I was not uncomfortable. I didn't feel weird or scared or skeptical.

She told me she wanted to check something. She rubbed her palm against my palm and then asked me to keep my eyes shut. She asked me to tell her when I could feel our palms getting close together. I heard her get out of the chair but then heard nothing more. After a few moments my palm started twitching a bit. It felt like my fingers were bending all on their own, with no control from my body.

And she said, "Open your eyes." I did. She was about four feet away from me.

She said, "You are an intuitive," and repeated, "You are open to this."

In writing this story now I'm feeling like I should have thought, "Yea, you think so? Here I am in the garage of a person I've never met who is burning cedar boughs prior to me laying on a table in my swimsuit." But those words never flitted through my all.

Then she told me to take off my clothes down to my swimsuit and lay on what looked like a sturdy massage table.

Now this was another surprising thing for me. I am over-weight and very, very careful not to let anyone see me in my swimsuit. But I didn't feel self-conscious at all. Not the smallest bit. As I walked to the table it felt like I had cement boots on my feet. I was actually trudging. There was a sheet laying on the table and she folded it up and said, "We don't need this." It took some effort to climb up on the table because my limbs were so heavy and when I laid down it felt like I was imprinted into the mattress.

A very, very odd sensation indeed.

To be continued...

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