Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts

Monday, February 8, 2010

A Snowy Sunday in Arizona and Sweets for the Sweet!


Please if you are reading this from one of the many snow-laden parts of the country, forgive me for this...but I thought these pictures were so adorable and I had to share them.

Our granddaughters spent some time in the front yard yesterday under the flower laden Bradford Pear tree pretending it was snowing.

The main problem with this type of "snow" is that when you shake the tree to make it...the tree buzzes... And the other main problem with making "snow" like this is that the blossoms smell bad. It isn't that sweet apple blossom scent you might is ... well... icky.

And now for the sweet part.

I found these totally adorable little "sweets" and picked up a few extra to share. So I'm going to share them with one of you! I think they are dishcloths but I'm not really sure. The top one is a cupcake and says "Sweet Treat Dischloth Gift Set" and the bottom one just says "Cake roll Gift Set". Whatever they actually are they are really, really cute. And you are all really, really sweet.

So it seemed like a natural giveaway.

The giveaway is really simple.

You just need to be a follower of my blog and any comments posted on my deep thoughts post yesterday or my snowy thoughts today count. So you can get two entries pretty simply.

I'll draw a winner after nine tonight and get this out in the mail tomorrow to whoever wins these little beauties!

And thank you.

I appreciate your kind words and your understanding!

Which is why I think you are sweet.

But I think I explained that already!

Good luck!

PS Do any of you design jewelry or have Etsy friends who do? I'm looking for a piece of that stamped metal type jewelry to have made up for a friend. Figured I'd keep it "local" before I went to Etsy and did a search. Thank you.

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