And I remember it fondly.
Mr. Jenny however did not do his little "tell away" on a mountaintop...he simply sat in his office chair thinking deep thoughts and then wrote some answers for you. Actually, I tricked him into taking this picture telling him I was going to use it to make ... oh, never mind...
Anyway, here he is sitting in his office not thinking deep thoughts about me but rather thinking "why is she tricking me into sitting in this chair?"
But that's pretty much how our relationship rolls.
Yup, we're cool like that.
I trick him...he plays along.
Makes for a happy marriage!
Now, not so happy about my experiment into spousal blog-honesty is my very sweet friend Aunt Amelia. I have been laughing about her post about this exact subject since I read it. You might enjoy seeing it, too! Just click here if you'd like to read how this concept has rocked her world. And not in a good way. I love you Aunt A. Sorry to worry you!
OK, moving along...stay on subject...being focused as always...
I am posting Mr. Jenny's answers to questions verbatim. I have a lot of witnesses that heard him read these answers aloud last night so I can get statements of authenticy notarized...or something.
And here is the first set of their totally, unvarnished glory.
And please be aware.
No husbands were hurt to make this post.
Threatened, perhaps.
But not actually hurt.
With no further ado...I give you.... Mr. Jenny!
Country Wings in Phoenix said...
Questions for DH? Is she always this cheerful in the morning? Does she ever go to sleep at night? How many times a night does she wake you up with questions?
Yes, she is always cheerful in the morning. And she usually sleeps well through the night. But then there is that occasional and dreaded nocturnal, “Dear, can we talk?” Often well before dawn.
Lisa Anne said...
My questions is, what did you she do to trick you into actually taking part in this in the first place? You're never gonna give the right answer, it's like when a woman asks you if she's fat and you say no, she's not going to believe you. Good luck. LOL
It was no trick, I knew what I was getting into… and so far, I don’t see anything to pull me into the quicksand. Well, there are one or two trick questions, see below or tomorrow.
Melinda Cornish said...
Then I would like to ask the lucky Mr. Matlock what has been the most inane question that Mrs. Matlock has woken you up to ask you...just curious....really. kind of afraid to hear the answer too.....she has some doozys doesnt she?
Well, the recent ‘should I invite the ex to your funeral’ was kind of pushing the envelope.
Hmm…. Ah, wait, here is the winner: A few years ago she was suffering from some physical ailments that were pretty serious and at that time, undiagnosed by our esteemed seemingly quack medical community.
2 a.m.: Poke, poke, poke on the shoulder. “Dear, can we talk? If I die, you have to re-marry, you must, you cannot be alone, you would be absolutely miserable if you were alone. So I’ve arranged for one of my friends to be the candidate you should consider to marry after I’m gone. I know you well, and “____ “is perfect for you. You don’t’ have to marry her, of course, but she would be perfect, and you should think about it.
“I’ve talked to her, and told her what I am thinking about…. “
You what? Gulp. I’ve got to be dreaming, right? Nope.
That led to some interesting conversations. And I have to admit, I was a bit wary when I met that friend for the first time, several years later. Today we are all good friends,. But that idea and that particular late night conversations is long past.
Julie Harward said...
Ok for the question...Does Jenny drive you nuts sometimes or do you love her craziness?
I love this girl in every way. Craziness? NO! Jenny is unique, funny, thoughtful, provocative, and very intelligent. She uses those talents to tell her stories to you. She uses her humor, she uses her Kleenex emotions to tell stories that always have, and continue every day, to touch most of her readers in some emotional way. I guess that’s it: She touches -- she connects with you, her readers.
And she makes my life with her exceptionally rewarding. See the question answered about Who is the lucky one?
(Of course, some in the family are going to say at this point, ‘Boy, does she have you fooled!’ A comment that I have been hearing indirectly, and occasionly directly, for years. I have a non- PG rated message for those comments that I can’t/won’t relay here, a message that really isn’t very nice.
Then there was that comment a few years ago from several family members: ‘I just don’t understanding your writing.’ Man. That led to the now famous “Sigh” -- the sigh that really, just says everything you need to say. )
Jenny drive me nuts? No. Delight me? Yes.
Hi, it's me again!!!!
Do you see why I married this guy?
He is really supportive and kind and wonderful!
And we are off now for a busy and wonderful day with visiting friends!
Hope your day is wonderful, too!