Showing posts with label Casa Mia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Casa Mia. Show all posts

Thursday, July 26, 2007

A little surprise for my Mum!

She's not seen it yet so I wonder if she'll spot her little surprise here first, before I next pop round with it for her!

The little stitching cherub is a Casa Mia complimentary design which you can find here. I've seen it finished as a scissors fob a couple of times now and knew I had to make one for my Mum who loves cherubs and angels. I've used DMC 115 on 36ct Antique White Edinburgh Linen, stitched 2 over 2. I usually stitch 1 over 2 on 36ct but wasn't at all happy with the coverage of the red on the light fabric but was a lot happier with the results of my second attempt. Bet Mum will recognise the ribbon. I didn't have the right shade of red (it's not quite so bright IRL as it is in the picture) and knew I wouldn't find any locally before finishing, so while I was visiting Mum last week I scrounged some she had which I thought would be a better match. Of course I didn't let on what it was!
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