Showing posts with label Needlebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Needlebook. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Needle Pouch

I thought this was a really lovely idea for a different kind of finish for keeping needles safe, and have wanted to try it for some time.  It was a mystery SAL organised by Anne Marie in 2009.  Unfortunately by the time I stumbled across it the link to the finishing instructions no longer worked. I thought it looked quite straight forward though, so thought I would give it a go away!  I'm really pleased with how it's turned out!

The design I chose is different to the one used for the SAL - this one is Delicatesse from Dany which I have stitched on 40ct Newcastle Flax with DMC 310.  I would have liked bigger and prettier beads to attach to the ribbon, but all I could find in my stash with a large enough hole to thread the ribbon through were Mill Hill pebble beads!  I will have to keep an eye out for some large hole beads for when I make another.

Pop along to the album on Anne Marie's blog to see all the lovely finishes from the stitchers who participated in the SAL back in 2009.

I'm not sure when I will next be back blogging again because I'm off home soon to the UK for several weeks.  I'm so excited - I can't wait to see my boys, and to spend time with my Mum!  :o)

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Thursday, May 02, 2013

Sew & Sew

I've been going through my finishing box again, and this time I've pulled out one which I stitched in 2011.  It's a complimentary design called Sew & Sew from Mary Garry's Sewing Cabin.  I love anything Mary Garry, and can't tell you how excited I was when I received this several years ago with an order I placed from Needlecraft Corner.

I've seen it's finished as a needlebook before, and have always thought it would be the perfect finish for it.  For mine I rotated the top half of the design by 180 degrees, so that when the needlebook was closed the alphabet would be the right way round.  And, as I often like to add another little accessory I've also made a scissor fob and pincushion to go with it. 

I've stitched it one over two on 40ct Creme Brulee Linen from R & R Reproductions, using the listed Gentle Art Sampler Threads.  The fabric for lining the needlebook, the pincushion and backing for the scissor fob is Madeira from Blackbird Designs.  I've used silk ribbon for the needlebook and a piece of Weeks Dye Works wool felt for the needles.  The pincushion is finished with a little chenille trim.

I'm so thrilled that at long last it's finished!

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Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Needlecraft Haven Monthly Challenge

Sunday was reveal day for the monthly challenge at Needlcraft Haven.  Each month a complimentary design that can be found online is chosen to stitch, using fabric, floss and making up into a finish of our own choice.  It's been a long time since I've taken part, but when I saw that the design for March was Souvenir de France by Blackbird Designs I just had to join along as it's one I've wanted to stitch for a long time. 

My choice of finish is a needlebook, so I've stitched the design one over one using Crescent Colours Milady's Teal on 28ct cream Cashel linen.  The fabric for the cover and the needle page is from French General's La Petite Ecole.  The little piece of lace was purchased from France, which I've used before and love so wanted to use it again to pretty up the front, and the shell button came from a pair of old pyjamas that I had thrown away - so glad I saved them, as this one was perfect!  The closure is a little twisted cord made from DMC 712 pearl no. 12.

I also made the beaded scissor fob.  I bought the sterling silver Eiffel Tower charm some time ago to make a beaded fob for when I eventually got around to stitching Souvenir de France or Jardin Prive's Eiffel Quaker, which ever came first.  The beads are sterling silver, Swarovski crystal, pearl and Mill Hill seed beads.  It's really pretty and sparkly in real life!

Hope you all enjoyed your Easter weekend.  Hope to be back soon.  :o)

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Sunday, June 07, 2009

A Mon Ami Pierre Needlebook

There's not been a lot of stitching or finishing going on here since Colin arrived home. I've not spent a lot of time on the computer either, wanting to make the most of having him home, before he is off again for another 6 weeks towards the end of the month. I have managed at last though to finish putting together this needlebook. I had started making it up a month or so ago so it feels like it's been hanging around forever!

The design is another A Mon Ami Pierre freebie which can be downloaded from here. I've stitched it 1 over 2 on 40ct Light Espresso R & R Linen with DMC 779 and made a matching tasseled scissor fob. The fabric for finishing is from Blackbird Designs Harvest Home.

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Monday, September 01, 2008

A finish at last!

The reveal for the August challenge on Jayne's Attic Stitch and Stash forum was on Saturday. The chart chosen was an A Mon Ami Pierre complimentary design which I have finished as a needlebook and made a little fob to go with it too. This is my first EVER needlebook...can you believe that! You would have thought I would have got around to making one before now! Sometime ago I had seen one made up this way on another blog. I can't remember where now but because I couldn't find a tutorial for it at the time I saved a picture to remind of how it looked. I don't suppose I've got it quite right but I'm very pleased with how it turned out. The chart listed Vicky Clayton silks which I substituted for DMC, choosing similar colours as I thought they would go well with the fabric I had already decided to use for the needlebook cover. The scissor fob and needlebook were both stitched 1 over 2 on cream 40ct Newcastle Linen. I stitched Nun's Stitch around the edge of the needle page.

Design: A Mon Ami Pierre (complimentary found here)
Fabric: 40ct Cream Newcastle Linen
Threads: DMC 926, 924, 640, 3721, 223, 632, 3064, 902, 3052

I have a couple of A Mon Ami Pierre pinkeeps to make up which I had finished stitching some time ago, so will hopefully have more finishes to share soon!

I must edit this post to say that I have received a lovely comment from Nataliejo with a link to a picture of her needlebook that she had finished some time ago. Nataliejo thought perhaps it could have been her picture I had seen! I'm so thrilled that she left me a link, because it was definitely Nataliejo's needlebook that inspired me to try the same finish! Please visit Nataliejo's blog and take a look at her needlebook. It's absolutely beautiful, and you will see why I just had to have one too! :o)

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