Showing posts with label Wedding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wedding. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A Happy, Happy Day!

Or I should say, a happy, happy two days!  If you're a regular visitor to my blog, then you may remember me mentioning in this earlier post, that our eldest son Jason was marrying his beautiful fiancée Nicola on the 3rd December.  Well there were actually two weddings.  On the Friday we had the legal ceremony at the registry office in Hay-on-Wye, which was before the big day on the 3rd, a Humanist ceremony held at Nic's family home in Herefordshire.  A couple of weeks ago Jase sent me two DVDs full of beautiful photos, and I've chosen just a few of the happy day to share with you.

Mr and Mrs (Jason and Nic)

Jason and Nic with Colin and myself

The room where the ceremony took place

End of the ceremony

Jason with his brother Matthew

Wedding cake with Jason, Nic and Chota topper

The end of a fantastic day

This will probably be the last time for a while that I will find time to blog.  Colin's arriving home on Friday to help with the final preparations for our move to Dubai, so it's going to be a very busy time for us in the coming weeks, with the move and setting up a new home!  I've sorted all my stash ready for the removers to come and safely pack, and long to get back into some serious stitching when I'm finally settled in Dubai.  Until I'm back blogging again, take care and thank you for popping by.  :o)

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