Showing posts with label The Prairie Schooler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Prairie Schooler. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Finally a little finish!

It's been a long time coming, but I've finally got around to actually having a finished finish!  I wasn't going to blog about this one just yet, as I have a couple of other Halloween pieces stitched, and was going to wait until they were also finish finished and then show them altogether.  I'm so excited to have at last got around to making something though that I just couldn't wait to blog about! 

This is The Prairie Schooler Night Owl from the Just Cross Stitch Halloween issue 2008.  Late for Halloween I know, but at least in plenty of time for Halloween this  This one has been hanging around for so long waiting to be made up.  I made a start on the border back in 2008 and then didn't complete the stitching until a couple of years ago.  I eventually decided to make it into a pinkeep last year hoping to have it finished in time for Halloween, which didn't happen because I didn't have enough of the DMC 3776 to make the twisted cord and didn't know where I could buy some here in Dubai.  Last week I made the cord, and yesterday finally stitched it to the pinkeep.  After all this time I can't remember which 32ct fabric I've stitched it on, but I do know that I use the listed DMC threads.

I love the backing fabric, it's a piece I've had for a long time and have used before on my Prairie Schooler Autumn Pinkeep.

It's taken a while, but I think I've at last found my stitching mojo - WOO HOO!  I really have missed it - I just hope I don't loose it again!  :o)

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Thursday, May 01, 2008

A Friend Is A Gift...

...and this little gift was stitched for a dear friend who has safely received it today so I can now share a picture. I really should have finished it and sent it on it's way well before now. I had completed the stitching in January, finished it into a little pillow and made the cord trim in March, which I finally got around to attaching in! The design is The Prairie Schooler's complimentary design, A Friend Is a Gift. Stitched on 32ct Bay Rum Jobelan using the listed DMC.

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Thursday, October 11, 2007

Prairie Schooler Autumn Pinkeep

I have a finish at last!!! It's just a little one but I couldn't resist this cute little pinkeep from the September 2007 issue of The Gift of Stitching! I've used the listed DMC threads on 32ct Permin Wichelt Lambswool. The pumpkin fabric is what I've used to back the pinkeep. I have to confess that this is my first ever Prairie Schooler finish...I don't know why and it won't be my last because I enjoyed every stitch of it! Thanks so much for looking! :o)
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