Showing posts with label Dragonfly Stitches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dragonfly Stitches. Show all posts

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Just a little late...

...for the reveal date which was yesterday but here it is, the little pillow I made for Februarys challenge on Jayne's forum. The design for this month was Valentine Heart, a complimentary design from Kristine (Dragonfly Stitches). For the fabric I chose 32ct Belfast cream with Six Strand Sweets Plum Parfait. The ribbon trim is another first for me which I've wanted to try for some time and thought it would be just perfect for this finish. I followed Judy Odell's Ribbon Gathering instructions which were included with a chart I have. I was very pleased with how it turned out.

I really wanted to use a pretty blue fabric for the backing but couldn't find anything suitable locally. I did find a couple of pieces online but I decided against buying anything as the chances were it would be the wrong shade of blue when it turned up so instead I played safe and backed it with the cream Belfast adding my initials and date.

Next months challenge will be one of three complimentary designs by Blue Ribbon Designs. I've wanted to do all three so don't really mind which one will be voted for in the poll, they are all lovely! :o)

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