Showing posts with label The Victoria Sampler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Victoria Sampler. Show all posts

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Friends Count

A little gift for my friend (and hairdresser) Sue for her birthday, which is in a couple of weeks.  She doesn't use a computer so I know I won't spoil the surprise by posting this now.  Sue has been my hairdresser for 30 years, so when I move to Dubai in a few weeks time I'm going to really miss our monthly girlie chats while she does my hair! 

The design is 'Friends Count', a freebie from The Victoria Sampler which can be found on the website.  I've used the listed DMC threads and 28ct cream Cashel linen and finished it as a bookmark, but the design can also be finished framed by omitting the Nun's Stitch edging.  

This is the second time now that I've stitched this for a friend and I expect it won't be the last - I think it's a lovely gift to give, and as well as being enjoyable to stitch, it stitches up nice and quickly too!  :o)

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