Showing posts with label Humor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Humor. Show all posts

Friday, April 10, 2015

I Don't Know Whether

I don’t know whether
It’s the weather
That moves me to wrote poetry,
Or moves me to climb a tree!
If I had some feathers
I would not mind the weather.
I could perch outside in a tree,
Or fly above the canopy!
And I would not wonder whether
It would be snow, or rain, or sunny weather,
I’d just take flight with all my feathers
In whatever weather!

~Kathie Adams Brown (April 10, 2015)

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Mother Ghost Nursery Rhymes

Rock-a-bye monster on Mommy's lap,
you have a lip that hangs like a flap,
your hair is long and slimy green,
and you're tall and skinny just like a green bean! (1970's)

Rock-a-bye ghosty high in the rafters
Mommy will keep you from any disasters
If anyone comes I will scare them away
I'll rattle my chains and yell "BOO! in their face!

~kathie adams brown (2013)

Happy Halloween!

Note: As I was writing these poems I decided to Google the title, "Mother Ghost Nursery Rhymes" just to see what was out there and I found this recording by Scholastic from 1968! I know I listened to this when I was young as I remember all the poems and songs by heart! What a treat! I can only guess that I was inspired to write my own version of Ghostly Rhymes after hearing this recording. However, each of these are my own original works adapted from  the original Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes. I hope you will enjoy them both. You can listen to the Scholastic recording by clicking on the link below. You can read all of my posts relating to this topic by clicking on the label "Mother Ghost Nursery Rhymes."

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Mother Ghost Nursery Rhymes

photo courtesy of Chris Rohrer

Mary had a little bat with hair as black as night
and everywhere that Mary went she really was a fright!
It followed her to school one day, t'was really outta-sight!
to see that bat a-hanging there from that traffic light! ~kathie adams 1970's

Mary had a little snake that slithered right along
it flicked its tongue and flashed its scales as Mary sang a song
She brought the snake to school one day for everyone to see
and couldn't understand it when they all got up to flee!

~kathie adams brown 8-27-2013

Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Mother Ghost Nursery Rhymes

Little Jack Horner
sat in a corner
eating a Halloween pie.
He put in his finger
and pulled out a stinger
and said "What a good Ghosty am I!" ~1970's

Little ghost Marty
was at a Halloween party
watching the kids go by
but when he tried to scare them
he found that they scared Him,
'cause he never saw costumes like theirs! ~2013

Friday, October 25, 2013

Mother Ghost Nursery Rhymes

Croak, croak black frog have you any eggs,
Yes sir, yes sir three full kegs,
one for the witches, one for the queen,
and one for the little boy who's turning so green!
Croak, croak black frog have you any eggs?
Yes sir, yes sir! Three full kegs!

~kathie adams brown circa 1970

Happy Halloween!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Nonsense at Night

And indeed, there will be time to wonder
Do I dare and do I dare count the birds
Again and again?
Are there birds where I will be?
Will the birds fly to me?
Will I know what I see?
Counting birds like counting crows                                  
It’s all in the way it goes
Should I learn to like this thing?
Will it take me over, make me sing?
I am counting all the time,
So often there’s not time to rhyme.
I missed my poem, I missed my song
and now the birds will sing along,
The bottom line, at least for me
when you’re tired, don’t write poetry!

~kathie adams brown (April 26, 2013)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Just a Little Irony

I want to write a triolet
I’d better hurry-don’t waste time,
I haven’t thought of one quite yet
A couplet poem built with rhyme,
I’d better hurry—don’t waste time,
If you are counting, lay your bets,
I want to write a triolet
I’d better hurry-don’t waste time!

~Kathie Adams Brown (April 23, 2013)

Prompt 23: Write a Triolet