Showing posts with label aging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label aging. Show all posts

Thursday, June 4, 2015

It is You I know

We are old in our love
on a Saturday morn
We have lived a long time together
We move in a smooth dance
through these familiar rooms,
all the steps memorized
from years of practice
even as we change and grow
It is You I know.

Kathie Adams Brown (March 14, 2015)

Happy Anniversary, Gus!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Santa Rita Mountains in Arizona 8-7-2010

I guess it’s too late to be a ballerina, lithe, graceful and pretty.
I guess it’s too late to own my own horse and ride wildly over the fields.
I guess it’s too late to build a log cabin, all from scratch with my own trees and on my own land.
I guess it’s too late to live in the mountains, far away from anyone or anything.
I guess it’s too late to live in Idaho, a place more wild and beautiful than I could have imagined.
I guess it’s too late to be an Indian princess and live in a teepee and wear a buckskin dress and moccasins.
I guess it’s too late to become a doctor and practice in some faraway place where I am most needed.
I know it’s too late to save my poor dog, the beautiful Irish Setter—poetry in motion. I let him down. He was my friend. He was my heart.

But it is never too late to sing my own song, or write my own story.

It is never too late to love, or forgive,
or to dream.

~ Kathie Adams Brown (4-1-15)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

I am the Velveteen Rabbit

Body misshapen,
Fur worn off,
Scars on legs, arms, face,
I have lived my life
And my body shows it.
I look in the mirror
And wonder where the girl I use to know went,
with flawless skin and shapely curves.
I look in the mirror and I see evidence
—of a life lived
—marks on my body
—each tells a story
some happy, some sad, all LIFE!
I am the Velveteen Rabbit
And I have become REAL.

~kathie adams brown (May 21, 2013)