Showing posts with label Questions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Questions. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The River and the Bridge

Down by the ancient river
Its silver boards shine with the age of time
clear water trips over river stones
chattering merrily as it goes
beneath the covered bridge.
Is this new water or old
flowing over these stones?
Does it remember Time
and all that has happened here,
before there was a bridge,
before there was a road,
before there was a forest?
Does this water remember the glacier it came from,
or when this bridge was built?
How many horses and buggies passed over
before cars came this way
sputtering exhaust into blue sky
proclaiming a new way and a new day?
Are the bridge and river friends
or enemies in an endless battle?
Does the river want to be free?
Does the bridge want to hang on just a little longer?
This bridge is a tie to the past
and a road to the future.
This river is the measure of Time
And the depository of memories,
Life Blood to the world.

~Kathie Adams Brown (April 29, 2015)

Monday, April 27, 2015

Questions by the Restless Sea

Standing on the silver shore

by the shining sea

Seabirds fly

and seabirds dive,

Like thoughts inside of me

as ocean waves toss and roll

so my heart heaves inside:

Will I go or, will I stay

Here by this restless tide?

~Kathie Adams Brown (April 27, 2015)

Friday, April 10, 2015

I Don't Know Whether

I don’t know whether
It’s the weather
That moves me to wrote poetry,
Or moves me to climb a tree!
If I had some feathers
I would not mind the weather.
I could perch outside in a tree,
Or fly above the canopy!
And I would not wonder whether
It would be snow, or rain, or sunny weather,
I’d just take flight with all my feathers
In whatever weather!

~Kathie Adams Brown (April 10, 2015)

Monday, September 22, 2014

A Fragile Thing with Wings

So, where will we be when all the butterflies have gone?
When we have harvested, and sprayed and obliterated
Every meadow and unplowed field?
What if there is no fluttering in summer, no metamorphoses happening?
What if there is no renewal and transformation? Will all hope then die?
Will we, as a human race, forget serendipity and joy and the ephemeral pleasure
Of a fragile thing with wings?

~Kathie Adams Brown (September 19, 2014)

This poem is dedicated to my friend, Roy and his blogpost: A Butterfly Day

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Questions on a Perfect Summer Day

Can I pause for just a moment
to enjoy this summer day?
With the breeze teasing the branches and
a chickadee brightly calling?

Can I stop and listen to the cicada’s sultry whine?
Can I smell the fragrant flowers on the sea salted air?

Will I pause long enough to watch gulls wheeling overhead?
Or stop my frantic rushing to watch a butterfly at rest?

Can my eyes follow the darting of a jewel like dragonfly?
Can my heart stop to fill with wonder on this perfect summer day?

Can my soul drink it all in and hold it as a promise
against the coming winter’s snow?

Can I taste such sweetness and live?

~Kathie Adams Brown ( September 4, 2014)

Friday, April 18, 2014

Highschool Haiku

The snow comes and makes
The gray winter beautiful
But how about me?

Am I to be like
A vanishing mist or will
You remember me

~Kathie (September 26, 1974)

Though it's National Poetry Month I have not had much time to write new poems. So, I thought I would celebrate the rest of this month by posting some poems from my past. A kind friend informed me that yesterday was National Haiku Poetry Day and amazingly I found these while searching for something else in a box in my basement. I wrote them when I was a teen but they still seem relevant today. I hope you enjoy them and get inspired to write some of your own!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Wild Blue Sea

View from Land's End on Bailey Island, ME  3-16-14

I wait on the wild blue shore to see,
I wait to watch the wild blue sea,
What are the creatures, what of the birds?
When will the wind blow?
What will I hear?
What are the colors,
All shades of blue,
Some shades of gray,
Some green too.
Here in the bay by the wild blue sea,
here I am waiting for whatever will be,
Why am I drawn to this wild blue sea?

~Kathie Adams Brown (April 10, 2014)

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Christina's World

Christina's World by Andrew Wyeth

Is the world all bleak and gray, Christina,
Is there not a spot of joy?
Does all elude your legs?
Yet in your fingertips do you not feel the damp earth
In a way unknown to most?
Can you not smell the years of decay that bring forth life?
I see you looking up the hill,
Is there longing in the twist of your body…
Or acceptance of your lot in life?
What do you know, dear Christina, that most of us do not?
What can I learn from you and your world, Christina?
Can your weak legs open my eyes?

~Kathie Adams Brown (April 1, 2014)

*an ekphrastic poem-a poem inspired by or about a work of art

Friday, April 19, 2013


A sleeping baby-the standard,
A little girl in a flowered dress in a field of flowers,
A little boy up to bat for the first time with his eyes shining,
Friday night ice-cream cones,
Puppies, kittens and colts,
Bottle feeding a baby goat,
Swinging on a Tarzan swing,
Splashing in the old creek swimming hole,
Carving a Halloween jack-o-lantern,
Winter sledding with hot chocolate and marshmallows,
This list should be longer!
Why is it so hard to remember

~Kathie Adams Brown (4-19-2013)

Prompt 18: Write a poem beginning and ending with the same word.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

How Can One Heart be Two

How can one heart be so torn in two,
--between two places,
--between two children,
--between two loves?
How can one heart survive
This rending,
This tearing,
This ripping of the tissue
So tender and filled with blood?

~Kathie Adams Brown (July 28, 2012)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

My Name is Fire

My name is Fire,
but I have fur
and a feisty temperment.
In the northern forest
I make my home
I scamper about on branches and scold
flicking my tail
of rusty red,
who am I
and what have I said?

~Kathie Adams Brown (May 23, 2011)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Questioning Robert Frost On This Road

We all know the adage of “The Road Not Taken,”
The poems and stories written that use this metaphor,
But what of when the road is real
And you are peering down its stony path and wondering
If you should follow where the road leads
Or strike out on your own?
There are no prophets here
To predict what lies ahead,
The decision is my own
And I must take the steps
This is not a metaphor,
this is my life,
and it is all about to change
on this road.

~kathie adams brown (7-9-10)

OSI Prompt 123: Roads