Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts

Friday, April 10, 2015

I Don't Know Whether

I don’t know whether
It’s the weather
That moves me to wrote poetry,
Or moves me to climb a tree!
If I had some feathers
I would not mind the weather.
I could perch outside in a tree,
Or fly above the canopy!
And I would not wonder whether
It would be snow, or rain, or sunny weather,
I’d just take flight with all my feathers
In whatever weather!

~Kathie Adams Brown (April 10, 2015)

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

I Like a Windy Day

I like a windy day,
When the wind comes to tease and play
And we prance and dance around the meadow.

I like the wind to toss the leaves
To bend the trees,
And make them clap their hands.

I like to feel like a wild pony
And run and kick
And toss my mane and tail.

But this fierce arctic wind is a nasty bastard
And I wish he would go back from whence he came.

Kathie Adams Brown (March 22, 2015)

National Poetry Writing Month starts in one week! NaPoWriMo 2015

Sunday, March 22, 2015

A Battle with the North Wind

You roaring wind,
You arctic sledgehammer
pounding out of the north,
I turn my face to you
and beat my wings to fly
You push me back,
You seek to overpower me,
and still my chest expands,
My sinews elastic and powerful as my lungs
fill with your icy breath.

You push me back, and back, and back,
I feel my pinions fill and spread
with the power of your wind,
as we do battle.

You pour a winter’s weariness upon us,
refusing to release your grip,
while I fly on with a fierce hope
into Spring.

Kathie Adams Brown (March 22, 2015)

For World Poetry Day 2015 (One day late!)

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Gray Day

Looking out the window panes
On a gray landscape;
Gray squirrels playing on gray tree trunks,
Gray sky waiting
Steel clouds billow and flatten
Dove skies bleed
Drops of liquid silver
Dull earth waits for water it cannot absorb
Gray birds sing in wet trees
Late winter rain turns gently to snow
And paints the world in white despair again.

Kathie Adams Brown (March 14, 2015)

Friday, February 20, 2015

Why are You Singing

Tufted Titmouse
Why are you singing, Mr. Titmouse?
Do you not know a blizzard is on the way?
I hear notes of romance
In your song this morning.
Are you declaring your territory,
Or enticing a mate?
It’ll be awhile yet before the nesting is begun,
But just to hear your song gives me hope
—that all is not lost
—that winter is not endless
—that crocuses will bloom again, and
—that somewhere under all that snow, there is, indeed, grass.

~Kathie Adams Brown (February 14, 2015)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Poem for a Winter's Day

I watch the steady fall of rain against the dove gray sky
Outside my window a few snowflakes fall like tiny pearls among liquid rhinestones
And in the hedgerow the sparrows gather with juncos hopping
Like slate colored shadows
The cardinals shyly watching are the only flash of color on this stormy day.
Here inside from where I watch the fire crackles on the hearth
Its warmth pressing against my back.
It is a pleasant place to be, inside looking out
And I feel the primeval need of this moment
In this technological world I now live in.
I pour myself another cup of tea, and settle in.

~Kathie Adams Brown (January 12, 2012)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

When Autumn was Delayed

I am ready for Autumn but,
it has been delayed,
after a brief tease of
cool nights
and crisp days
with the smoke of a wood fire
lingering in the night air
the sultry gray days of summer have returned
with mugginess, humidity, and mosquitoes
slugs slide across the lawn
a few gold tinted leave flutter to the damp ground
but everything hangs in this thick, soupy air

~Kathie Adams Brown (September 25, 2011)