Showing posts with label progress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label progress. Show all posts

Thursday, January 16, 2014

An Ode to Sycamore Canyon

Sycamore Canyon 7-22-2010

I came to say “good-bye” to you,
I thought you’d make me cry,
but you have changed so much
and now I wonder why?
Your wild slopes have been torn up,
machinery rumbles on,
belching out its black exhaust
‘till all the birds have gone.
The bird song has diminished
and traffic noise increased.
though beauty still surrounds you,
You’ve lost your sense of peace!
I found a few fine sparrows,
the cactus wrens still call,
I walked right by an owl,
it made me feel quite small.
I think I’ll just remember you
the way you used to be,
there’s no stopping all this progress
but this Progress ain’t for me!

~Kathie Adams Brown (January 16, 2014)