Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A Bright Beginning

In the morning light the feathered gem
hovers in the sparkles of the irrigation rain
bejeweled and bedazzled by sunlight and water
green feathers gathering light and reflecting it
back in a spray of color
and morning magic,
while I walk the dog in the neighborhood park—
a bright beginning to my day.

~kathie adams brown (January 28, 2014)

Thursday, January 16, 2014

An Ode to Sycamore Canyon

Sycamore Canyon 7-22-2010

I came to say “good-bye” to you,
I thought you’d make me cry,
but you have changed so much
and now I wonder why?
Your wild slopes have been torn up,
machinery rumbles on,
belching out its black exhaust
‘till all the birds have gone.
The bird song has diminished
and traffic noise increased.
though beauty still surrounds you,
You’ve lost your sense of peace!
I found a few fine sparrows,
the cactus wrens still call,
I walked right by an owl,
it made me feel quite small.
I think I’ll just remember you
the way you used to be,
there’s no stopping all this progress
but this Progress ain’t for me!

~Kathie Adams Brown (January 16, 2014)

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A Winter's Dream

Swiftly on this winter's night
Orion takes his stealthy flight
across the dark and spangled sky
as the cold night slowly passes by,
and we mere mortals stop and stare
into the dome quite unaware
of heavenly battles being fought;
of dreams released and being caught
in sleepy heads on pillows laid--
it's in the stars that dreams are made!

~kathie adams brown (January 6, 2014)

Imaginary Garden with Real Toads

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

A Gift from Nature on Christmas Eve

Winter solstice is two days spent,
a half moon floats in the velvet dome of night,
I see Orion falling towards the western horizon,
a pale constellation over city lights.

Here in the desert the cool night breeze
wafts around my legs bare beneath my robe,
for I have run outside in response to the wild calls
of two great horned owls with romance in their hearts!

Love is in the air and on the rooftops of Tucson
on this Christmas Eve
I’m listening to the owl choir
as heaven and nature sing
on this not so silent night, this Holy Night,
I stand beneath Ursa Major
so thankful for this gift.

~Kathie Adams Brown (December 24, 2013)

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

November Days

These are November Days,
Gray skies, unsettled weather, unsettled memories.

November skies are filled with longing,
longing for another place,
for the lost past,
for families and for love.

I feel that longing like a skein of wild geese honking out their cries
as they wing across the skies.
I feel that restlessness


and wonder where my wings are
and why I cannot fly.

The memories of passing years float up like clouds from the deep,
and I remember laughter, and a warm kitchen and standing with my Nana
While she stirred white pepper into smooth brown gravy in her farm kitchen
at Thanksgiving Time.

November days are wild days of longing and families and love.

~kathie adams brown (November 27, 2013)

Monday, November 4, 2013

Sometimes Solitude is Bliss

Photo courtesy of Chris Rohrer

I like people...sometimes.
I like to have a friendly chat, to walk in quiet companionship through the woods,
To laugh about a funny movie with a friend,
To bemoan the worries of the world over coffee or tea.
I love to share the things I love with my friends, but sometimes, solitude is bliss!
There are no demands when I am alone,
No right answers I have to think of,
No need to be clever or cute or witty.
I can just be me and think my own thoughts
And smile at what makes me happy
Or dance in my heart.
There is no one to criticize or summarize or scrutinize or any other “-ize” me.

I can just be.

~kathie adams brown (October 17, 2013)

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Mother Ghost Nursery Rhymes

Rock-a-bye monster on Mommy's lap,
you have a lip that hangs like a flap,
your hair is long and slimy green,
and you're tall and skinny just like a green bean! (1970's)

Rock-a-bye ghosty high in the rafters
Mommy will keep you from any disasters
If anyone comes I will scare them away
I'll rattle my chains and yell "BOO! in their face!

~kathie adams brown (2013)

Happy Halloween!

Note: As I was writing these poems I decided to Google the title, "Mother Ghost Nursery Rhymes" just to see what was out there and I found this recording by Scholastic from 1968! I know I listened to this when I was young as I remember all the poems and songs by heart! What a treat! I can only guess that I was inspired to write my own version of Ghostly Rhymes after hearing this recording. However, each of these are my own original works adapted from  the original Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes. I hope you will enjoy them both. You can listen to the Scholastic recording by clicking on the link below. You can read all of my posts relating to this topic by clicking on the label "Mother Ghost Nursery Rhymes."