
Showing posts with the label Darfur

Israel Continues to do Good-Despite Being a Pariah*

An alien landing somewhere on Earth and listening to the news blasting Israel would come to the conclusion that that country must be a huge land containing billions of people, which controls the world and is the cause of all evil in it. This is the way it comes across, to hear or read about the lambasting of Israel--while countries whose regimes are truly guilty of piracy or rape, or murder and even genocide are written about, but without a hue-and-cry for de-ligitimization as is done with Israel. Cases in point include Darfur in the western Sudan, Somalia , and Indonesia , where our illustrious President just visited and towards which he gushed U. S. friendship. Meanwhile, what are these failed regions and states doing to help humanity? Because Extremely-Evil-Israel-Which-Should-Not-Exist has just sent an aid shipment with a hundred thousand doses of medicine to Haiti to help alleviate the cholera epidemic which is ravaging that unfortunate country.  That tiny Jewish home...

Mankind's Travesty Against Man. . .

(nablopomo day 8) Human beings are ruining the planet.  If events continue the way they are, human beings will ensure that, in the not-too-distant future, --between violence against innocents in Rwanda, Darfur, and other areas in Africa and across the world, --because of the vicious massacre of innocents in Mumbai, which were not universally condemned by the world at large , --because of aggressor-nations such as Iran, threatening another sovereign nation with annihilation, --with the world's virulent condemnation of a country which tried to defend itself against a surprise attack, and now, --with the utter devastation of the natural environment because of a company's greed and not caring, --the world will come to an end.  Unless we stand up and stop it.  All of it. There are no words.  There are just no words. Visit for breaking news , world news , and news about the economy

"Defying All Odds"

Although slightly after-the-fact of Israel's celebration of it's 62nd Independence Day, here is a video outlining many positive and wonderful acts which Israel has accomplished, facts the world either does not know, or chooses to ignore (hat tip Arlene from Israel , April 28th, 2010). Instead, the world doesn't say or do too much about true human rights violations such as subjugation of women in Saudi Arabia, rape, murder and genocide of various tribal or ethnic groups, attacks on free speech and death threats to cartoonists for example, perpetrated by others over the years (think Rwanda , Darfur , Turkish mass murder of Armenians , Theo Van Gogh , South Park , etc.) For deep pathological reasons (which subject I will return to in a future post), the global community is again placing the blame for all the world's ills on. . . Israel and the Jews. Here is the truth about. . . Israel and the Jews :

Remember the Lamp Lighters. . .

Yesterday I was not feeling well. After suffering chills and exteme fatique during the day--I managed to make through four hours of work (contract)--I went home and went to bed at 3:30 p.m. An hour and a half later, upon waking up, I realized that I was still weak and couldn't concentrate, so I cancelled the classes I was supposed to teach that night, and went to bed for the night at 8:19 p.m. I am feeling a little better this morning, and I have to--because we are volunteering at the Lamp Lighter Tribute tonight, on the occasion of the first yahrtzeit of the deaths of Rav Gavriel Noach and Rebbetzin Rivka Holtzberg, ztz"l, who were brutally murdered last year, November 26th, 2008, during the terror attacks in Mumbai, India. There is no need to repeat the praises about the Holtzbergs and the work they did as Chabad shluchim in Mumbai, because everyone in the tribe knows how wonderful they were, what good they did, what kindnesses they showed to strangers, and how they brou...