
Showing posts with the label fonts

Let’s Hear it for Comic Sans!

What’s all the ruckus about in articles I am reading regarding the font called “ Comic Sans MS* ?” It seems that everyone is railing against it, vilifying it, and advocating banning it. This is starting to make me nervous, because I myself can not understand what all the fuss is about. Does that mean that I am not ‘with it?’ Not ‘cool?’ Have pedestrian tastes? Unintellectual? Or just plain stupid? I was afraid to think about it, because I sensed in myself leanings towards--horrors— liking Comic Sans! I use it to email readers of my blog, for one thing. I mean, it seems like a friendly font to me. So I did what any person would do--I quickly researched the history (it’s short) and origins of Comic Sans Serif, to see if that knowledge would enlighten me as to all the brouhaha. Here goes: Comic Sans was invented by Vincent Connare , a former Microsoft font designer, and was released by Microsoft in 1995: Kelson writes "The Wall Street Journal profiles Vincent Connare, de...