
Showing posts with the label dancing

Israeli Soldiers Should Dance to THIS

(nablopomo day 15)  (2 Warnings: 1. un- tzniusdikeh * video: watch at your own risk.                    2. some might consider this inappropriate for the nine days. watch. or not.) First saw the video of the Israeli soldiers (on The Muqata ) dancing in the middle of a patrol, to the song Tik Tok.  Not bad. Them's got rhythm , as they say (it's hard to dance with an M-16).   My son told me that he (and apparently, all of Israel) likes this song.  At first, I didn't.  Still don't like the lyrics (I mean, what sort of role model is that, anyway?)--but the tune and beat are catchy. So I found another one; much, much better lyrics.  Tells it like it is.  Same tune, same beat.  Those soldiers should dance to this (hey Michal, you listening?) Cool, huh? *un-tzniusdikeh: immodest

Flash Mob Chanukah--Puts You in the Mood!

Oh, I wish I had been on Rehov Ben Yehudah street this past Friday, November 20th, 2009, to see this flash mob dance in the middle of the midrachov * ! It looks 'spontaneous,' but of course it was planned and choreographed to look that way, by none other than Nefesh b'Nefesh . It is just so catching and contagious. Makes one feel like celebrating. Chanukah is not far off; hey I've got an idea: let's all celebrate it in. . . ISRAEL!! *midrachov: pedestrian mall, lit. "sidewalk-street."

Random Thoughts: Cotton Eyed Joe (-yes, they have meaning!)

This is one of my most favorite songs. It's solid Americana, and although I'm not generally a Country Music genre fan, it's so infectious--you just have to get up and dance! Yep. It also reminds me of my youngest, currently just having recently passed the Loren in Officer's Training Course in the IDF . You should see how my Rambo dances it--she's something else. If her platoon ever discovered her talents, look out! (YEEhaw). cotton eyed joe - rednex