
Showing posts with the label Yom Ha-Zikaron

Holocaust Remembrance Day: "Remembrance of the Bravery"

Did you know that in Hebrew, Holocaust Remembrance Day is called "Day of Remembrance of the Holocaust and the Heroism?"  In transliteration it is: Yom Zikaron HaShoah ve-HaGevurah. We Jews are the only people who have constantly , in every generation through the centuries been vilified, persecuted, murdered, and victims of genocide--and for whom the world has done very little to nothing--basically looked the other way.  The United States did not allow Jewish refugees desperately trying to escape Nazified Europe on rickety ships to enter the country. Britain didn't allow Jews who tried to escape their future murderers by entering the ancient land of their people, then still called Palestine (an insulting name given it by the Romans after their conquest of Judea).  These aforementioned refugees were sent back into hell and returned to be murdered. That is why we have a State of Israel.  Because Nazism and anti-Semitism aren't dead, and they aren't even dormant: ...

Memorial Day is Every Day

At around the time of Yom ha-Zikaron, Israel's Memorial Day to its fallen in all its defensive wars, I posted a short video of the Israeli Remembrance Day ceremony. Now, even though the United States' Memorial Day has just passed, it is never too late to honor those who serve in our Armed Forces, and those who gave their lives for our country. A nation's ethic can be measured by how they honor their dead.  Unlike another so-called "religion" in who's name atrocities such as beheadings, horrific 'honor' killings of women and girls, and suicide (really homicide) bombings are committed, how we --in Israel and the United States--honor our dead and fallen, attests to how we value and respect life . I hope you can view here this HBO film, Taking Chance , in its entirety (set aside an hour and a half).  It is a testament to our brave military and civilians who serve this great country. May it remain great, and a staunch ally of Israel.

Yom HaZikaron 2009 - We'll Always Remember. . .

You don't see this happening on the highway in the States on Memorial Day: And as far as Yom HaShoah goes (which I posted about previously), I believe that this is an appropriate response from the Jewish People to the world at large: