My Daughter's New Mitzvah: L'hiyot be'Simcha, and Do Tikkun Olam
I just read my daughter's RSD Blog, and although I had spoken to her about the 4th of July barbeque right after it was held at her Tel-Aviv apartment, and knew what had ensued, I was very moved by what she wrote about it, and decided to post it in it's entirety here. This is my daughter, in a wheelchair for a year with a so-far incurable nerve disease called RSD/CRPS (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome), whose life changed in an instant due to a relatively minor car accident from "normal," to disabled, at the age of twenty-three. Please visit her blog, My Personal Battle with RSD . Here is her 4th of July post. Perfection, Bliss, and a `whole’ lot of Soul… This past 4 th of July, I bore witness to the most beautiful and pure thing anyone could ever possibly view. Some people might say that that is a bit extreme of a statement. These people are right. It is incredibly extreme. But, it is true. Imagine seeing a s...