
Showing posts with the label Piggily


Every time I need to write a post I realize that there are plenty of pictures I haven’t shared with you yet. Sometimes I am just exhausted by the game I was completing. …or I simply forgot about them. Usually, they crop up after a certain event, like this one: when Graphite passed away, I was browsing my guinea pig sketches and discovered these characters I designed for our Piggily game. Unfortunately, Graphite did not become a character/playing piece in the game in but maybe there will be more space for her in a new, special edition.  Piggily is created for young children with all the colours of a pale spring. Yes, spring is finally here my friends! The days are getting brighter and a bit lighter for me. The flowers are poking their heads out of the mud, reminding me that life goes on, and new guinea pigs are going to be born – to eat them up. :-) Age: 3+, Number of players: 2-4, Duration: 10 min

Good bye Graphite!

There are very few times in life when we have a chance to experience a miracle. Last Sunday, we witnessed one, when our beloved Grafit passed away. I have never thought that a small creature could leave such a huge void behind.  We were away that day - but hurried home as fast as possible because we knew, Grafit was waiting for us. She didn't want to leave without saying goodbye. The little pig, who never liked being cuddled, snuggled up to me and listened to the story of her life. We told her how much we loved her and recalled all her adventures: the exploring journeys in the garden, the evenings sitting by the fireplace, the playgrounds randomly set up in the house, and the palace that Bojána and László built for her. When we got to the end of the story, we started to cry. Then a slight shiver ran through her body and the room, which had bathed in full sunshine until then, went completely dark for a moment. When the sun came out again, her soul was carried away by the sunshine....


We are happy to announce the release of our new game: Piggily . Being guinea pig fans, we simply could not stop adding more and more twists and turns to the game, based on our own personal experiences. Most of our colleagues/helpers shared our enthusiasm and they also did their best to make it more detailed and authentic. Special thanks to Alex for his thoroughness and for the brilliant idea of turning the bowls upside down. We added THREE (mostly tactical) variations to the basic game rule, so it will be fun for everybody from the age of three and up.  Age: 3+, Number of players: 2-4, Game duration: about 10 minutes Örömmel mutatjuk be nektek az új játékunkat, a Piggily -t. Tengeri malac rajongókhoz híven nehezen engedtük el ezt a játékot, mindig újabb ötletekkel és fordulatokkal bővítettük a szabályt. A partnereink is osztoztak a lelkesedésünkben, így az ő javaslataik nyomán a játék még hitelesebb és részletesebb lett. Különösen Alex-nek tartozunk köszönettel az alaposságáért és ...

Piggily – Testing the Game • Próbálgatjuk a játékot

We are doing well with the test plays of our new board game “Piggily”. Since we focus on the game most of the time, our guinea pigs can have a short break from us. :-D Szépen alakulnak a teszt játékok a malacos játékkal. A cocák fellélegezhetnek, megoszlik a teher, őket mostanában kevesebbet nyúzzuk. :-D

Piggily / design

Here comes another game which is based on a personal story. Isn’t it fortunate that the inspiration always lays/crawls in front of our feet? It is easy for me to get inspired since all the pets we have, are family members and we have lots of adventures together. This time our guinea pigs and their palace are in the spot. This is not an imagination, the palace really does exist in Bojana's room. Of course not in that style I drew it on the cover. I regret to say that the function overwrote the pigs’ dreams. Although the result is much more minimalist, humans and guinea pigs are equally impressed by it. Nothing proves it better that it is almost impossible to lure the piggies out from there. They’ve become very interactive and funny over the three years we’ve spent together, but they still prefer to stay in there and we have to caress them from outside. The basic idea of ​​the game was based on this fact. Nothing is more difficult than luring a fed, spoiled pig out of her ...