
Showing posts with the label janka

Picture Book • Képeskönyv

I have just realised that we forgot to complete Janka’s picture book of her Unusual Vacation . Finally, it is uploaded to our website. If you are curious how the set was created or just simply want to get into a cosy, autumn mood, have a look at it! This colourful book contains everything from the first sketch I made. Enjoy! Most derült rá fény, hogy elfelejtettem befejezni a képeskönyvet Janka különös vakációjáról , de hamar pótoltam a hiányosságot és már fel is töltöttük a weboldalunkra. Ha kíváncsi vagy, hogy hogyan készült a szett vagy csak egyszerűen őszi hangulatba ringatnád magad, lapozd végig! Ebben a színes kis könyvben minden benne van az első vázlattól kezdve. Remélem tetszeni fog!

Back to School • Vissza az iskolába

We hope you had a great summer, and the new school year brings you lots of fun, not just homework! Try to enjoy it despite of the unusual circumstances! Take care, stay healthy! (Emma and Janka wore our  Autumn set on the first school day) Remélem mindannyiótoknak szép nyara volt, és az új tanév nem csak munkát de sok örömet is tartogat! A nehézségek ellenére próbáljátok élvezni, reméljük hamarosan visszatér minden a rendes kerékvágásba. Vigyázzatok magatokra és egymásra!  (Emma és Janka az őszi szettünket viselte az első napon az iskolában)

Doll DIY • Baba DIY

The dolls have suffered from neglect over the last year, so I tried to recompense them now with these self-made tulle skirts. Dark, long winter mornings are ideal for DIY, but not good enough for photography. My step by step photos are therefore terrible, just like the tops on the dolls, so I won’t share them with you and not even a picture of their backside. To be honest: I had to use most of the tools from my office desk to fix them. :-D I can't sew ... but since I did not need to sew these skirts, both of them are perfect! I found the idea on a blog long-long time ago, at the end of that period, when Bojana wanted to be a princess. Sadly this info came late enough to save me from investing lots of money into perfect and fully decorated skirts made by professional seamstresses. But finally, I could use this smart trick in this project. Whether you are making this model for your little girl or your doll, I hope you will have fun! Good luck! Technical details (doll siz...

Summer • Nyár

We wish very nice weather and relaxing summer holiday for those lucky ones who have finished school! For those who still have a few weeks left, we wish lots of patience and energy until the end! (Marbushka Summer set) Azoknak a szerencséseknek, akiknek véget ért már az iskola, nagyon szép nyarat és jó pihenést kívánunk! Akiknek még van pár hét, azoknak kitartást!!!! (Marbushka Nyári szett)


Janka is already on vacation :-) / Janka már nyaral :-)

An Imaginary Christmas • Képzeletbeli karácsony

  Christmas lights seem to like blending with office lights. The morning, the afternoon and the evenings are melting away in this strange winter darkness. Time is liquid, everything is infinite. In the background, the voice of the arrival of e-mails is constant and monotonous like rain outside but is much cheerful. There is only a week left. Ljubljana, Prague, Madrid, Edinborough, Moscow, Paris ... words flash on the screen and it is difficult to realize how far the Marbushka games will travel. It's unbelievable that how many of you keep us in your minds and how many children and adults this year will find Marbushka game under the Christmas tree. Surely I’m much more excited than they are! The year is about to end, but it's hard to say good-bye. Somehow, this was how Cinderella felt when she had to leave the ball at midnight. We can not be around every Christmas tree to see the happy faces, but how good it would be! I imagined the scene, here you can see in my pi...

Janka's third edition • Janka harmadik kiadása

Janka dreamed of a special vacation. She browsed the advertisements: "Boring, boring, ...they're all boring!" she muttered. She searched for weeks until she found one that finally caught her interest. It read: "A trip to ancient Egypt? Or a vacation in the court of the Sun King? You can have both! Come to stay with us, we guarantee your comfort in any era!" Janka knew that this was the one! ...and she started packing right away. From the outside, the hotel seemed completely normal, and nothing extraordinary happened until they led her to her room. She found it a bit strange that they didn't ask her what kind of view, bed, bathroom, etc. she would like... but she thought she could say something later if she found she was displeased with the room. When the door to the room opened, she already knew there would be no problem. Each time the door opened, she found a different view. She was greeted by the most exquisite accessories and most comforta...