Mark Twain

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do ...
Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain
Showing posts with label Making Space. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Making Space. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Making Space #3

I am joining Beckie at

 on an informal challenge called Making Space. 

My ability to stick to any kind of schedule is near impossible so I have decide to forgo the idea of a regular schedule.  Don't know if it is stubbornness on my part or just a growing lack of discipline, but there you have it!  Despite few regular posts in Making Space, I am still working towards decluttering.  I just haven't shared my progress.  Of course, part of this event is blog sharing - so here goes.

A picture, 2 cook books, a cat and dog hair shaver, a set of 9 miniature metal vehicles, a canvas bag, a candle, a plastic Chinese carry out container (heading for the trash like it should have months ago).

A free standing floor fan by Casablanca that is beautiful but doesn't work any more and the cost to fix it was ridiculous ... and most importantly it was a very heavy fan and hard to lift ... so it is history.   

And a whistling tea kettle that has never whistled!  Not from day one!  And 4 days ago, I tried to use it for a cup of hot tea and promptly forgot it!  By the time I returned to the kitchen the water was all gone.  There was no damage to the stove or the kettle, but as a future safety measure this tea kettle had to go.  I love the look of it on my stove, but forgetting things seems to be a risk at 73 that I need to compensate for.  So I purchased a replacement.

My new tea kettle!

Whistles like a dream.  It took a bit of effort to find this replacement - the one I ordered from Amazon came broken.  I wasn't willing to try for a second delivery with the Christmas delivery rush now upon us and delays rampant.  So I went into a brick and mortar store to buy one - got in and out fast!   The choices were surprisingly slim.  Black was not my first choice, but it looks fine with my black appliances - and it whistles!!   Fire hazards I don't need.   Now I won't burn down my condo - or other condos - at least not with a tea kettle!

That makes 18 items this time around that have gone on to 'other lives' with someone else (or were laid to rest in the trash), and with this post a grand total of 39 in 3 posts.  

Funny little mind game in the challenge:  Knowing the grand total of items decluttered since I started this challenge has resulted in an unanticipated positive realization.  Although I am not moving car-loads of items out the door almost everyday like I did in my major downsizing effort to move to this condo, the grand total reminds me each time of the full scope of items that no longer are in my way - items I no longer have to live around!  A good feeling each time that number grows.   

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Making Space #2

For some reason I am unable to confine myself to any kind of structure, rules or regulations.  It is a pattern that seems to be developing the older I get.  At 73 I am become more emboldened to miss deadlines and resist expectations ... finding them to be uncomfortable like wearing tummy slimming panty hose over a tummy that refuses to be slimmed.   

No, I am not at the "breaking the law" stage or anything ... at least not yet!  ðŸ¤£ Joking of course.  Truth: I am not breaking the law, and Truth: I wouldn't admit it here if I did, and Truth: I might want to try that sometime - you know, like jay-walking or something. Ha!  But Final Truth: I am not going to do something really stupid.  I am not totally insane ... at least not yet! 🤣 !   

Anyway, back on topic - if there is a deadline I am definitely going to miss it - even if I made the deadline myself!  And that is what I am doing weekly with my Making Space posts. Missing the deadline. Going forward - I am participating but the posts will just be ... well ... a surprise!    

You see I had these decluttering items ready for a post for the last 2 weeks.  They sat in a bag near my table - technically still in my house but waiting for the "decluttering ax" to fall right after I posted about them.  

There are 11 items here mostly going into the trash but the children's cloth books will go to the thrift store along with the shorts that don't fit (for the same reason I don't wear tummy slimming panty hose) and a tee shirt that shrunk upon washing or my breasts grew or I gained weight.  (I like option #1.)

With this post 21 items total have been discarded.