Showing posts with label Deadbeats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deadbeats. Show all posts

Friday, December 30, 2011

If I Had A Gun I'd Kill Everything Evil

This isn't the "Kill The Hippies" Deadbeats from L.A., rather one from Connecticut, and one that I've already posted here once before since they have a track on the second "Footprints of God" compilation. This is a pretty cool single that sounds like a bargain-basement version of what bands like Fuck and New Bad Things would be doing in the '90s, or the a-side does at least. The b-side is a bunch of screwy shit, which I happen to like somewhat, but the rest of you probably wouldn't have the tolerance.

The Deadbeats -


"Honey Move"

Also, there used to be a web site that hosted a bunch of Populous Pudding sets-- or or something-- but it's since been taken down (Populous Pudding was a venue in Willimantic CT). I managed to grab the sets for M.O.T.O., Woodchipper, and Deadbeats before the site eventually dissapeared, so if you're looking for a few more pleasant-sounding Deadbeats songs listen to, here ya go.

"Deadbeats Populous Pudding 1989"

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I Tried To Feed Your Jackal But He Bit My Hand And Ran

If you're looking for another important piece of Connecticut indie music history, look no further head on elsewhere. This here's the second installment of the "Footprints of God" compilation series; the first one, which I posted a year ago, has M.O.T.O. and a pretty good Isolation Farm song, while the second one tails off a bit. I think if you chopped up Purple Eternal and the Deadbeats and put them together in a mixing bowl you'd end up with the Bunnybrains... I have the Deadbeats 7" laying around here somewhere, as well as a live recording, but don't ask me what either one of them sounds like, I have no clue. I'm regretfully leaving off Biker Mutt even though Jim reads this blog because their song reminds me of a Glen Thrasher birthday party that I wasn't invited to. As for Bimbo Shrineheads, don't be fooled by the goofy band name cuz they put up some pretty ace-sounding pedal-happy swirly guitar stuff. In summary, every single person involved with putting out this record deserves to be shot. No wait, that's my Butterflies of Love review. Never mind.

Purple Eternal -

"Johnny Extremity"

Bimbo Shrineheads -

"I Will Die In Willimantic"

Deadbeats -

"Garbage Stew"