Alright, here's the Ff album that preceeded the one that I posted earlier this week. Of course, now I've left myself without much to say this time around, since I used it all up the last time. Aw, fudge-- I knew I shoulda saved the "Fucking Fat" story for another day. Dammnit all to hell!
"Lady Shoe" falls short of being the worst title for a punk rock CD ever, but you can't fault Ff for trying. No doubt if the band had put their heads together and really made an effort, "Rise And Fall, Rage And Grace" would've come up eventually.
I believe that style points should be awarded to any band that has multiple songs about running around punching people who piss them off, as long as that band is The Abused, or Blitz, or Iron Cross, or The Offenders-- anyone but Youth of Today.
Extra credit: to the first person who looks up the band that originally did "Today" and leaves it in the comment section, I'll give an A+. And, no, it's not Gorilla Biscuits.
"Horse Head"
"Killing Me"
"Fog Head"
"Endless Confusion"
"Lost Hope"
(these files are now listen-only)