Showing posts with label Head. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Head. Show all posts

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Time Flies Like An Arrow, Fruit Flies Like A Banana

 photo HeadSpendCaption_zpszvupzzx1.jpg

"When it came out we couldn't give the things away, but now it sells for five hundred dollars
The only records that you buy are on eBay - this box of records oughta send my kids through college
Don't put your records out 'cuz no one's gonna care, when a record's only good because it's rare

-- "Killed By Death", Head

If you dig the awesome, super-poppy a-side -- which is a Fatal Charm cover that Kurt from the Fastbacks plays on -- you should check out a Boston band called Conmen (they've got a new single out).

Head -

"Spend The Night Alone"

"Killed By Death"

Saturday, May 8, 2010

I Can See What You Dig

It seems kinda funny to think about it now, but there was a time back in the '80s when MRR wouldn't touch bands like this with a stick, and would dismiss a lot of excellent garage/noise punk as being college rock or some such shit (re: the infamous "Birthday Party-ish minimalist rock" review). I say funny, because it seems like a lot of what MRR covers now is stuff that either would've been ripped to shreds back when the zine was in its 80's heyday, or wouldn't have even made it into the magazine at all. Not bitching, just making an observation. I've actually gone back to occasionally reading MRR again, although there's nothing in it anymore that's quite on the level of one of those mid-80's scene reports written by one of the 15-year-olds from Negative Element. And then there's this Head single. I think I posted a Head single once before, didn't I? Oh, and the MRR thing is just something I was thinking about because I referenced something similar when I wrote a review about Head in Brushback #4, ages ago (re: the infamous "Ben Weasel-tongue-kissing, pink-wearing pansy" review). Didn't make much sense to anyone back then, either.

Head -

"Theme of Head"

"Do You Remember Me?"

"I Can See What You Dig"

click for enlarged view

Friday, February 22, 2008

I Ain't No Weak Tit

click for enlarged view

Make a list of all the "retro pop punk" bands that first came to bear back in the early-to-mid 90's-- bands that all wore Chucks and gave more than just a passing nod to the Ramones-- and Head's claim to fame is probably that they had the dumbest lyrics out of all of them. That's gotta count for at least something, right?

A CD of all the early Head records came out on Evil Clown just a few months ago, but I have the original vinyl and CDs aren't punk, anyway, so fuckit, I'm posting it.

click for enlarged view

Head -

"Larry Tate"

"I Ain't No Weak Tit"

(these files are now listen-only)

click for enlarged view

click for enlarged view