"Scumbait" in this case refers to labels that would brag about low pressing numbers (like the old Noiseville ads that didn't even bother mentioning anything about the bands, merely putting "only 300 pressed!" or "800 pressed!" as a description) as bait to record collectors, something that hit a peak back in the late 80's/early 90's, just in case anyone thinks that record-flipping is something new... so what do we have here: a pretty boring sleeve, although the liner notes are alright, and while this was released in 1990, most of the tracks reek of afterthoughts and 80's leftovers... Feedtime is described in the notes as "quite possibly the greatest band in the world from 1985 until 1988, and the best Australian band since AC/DC", which is pretty much right on the money (although X weren't that bad either). The Feedtime track is okay, and probably better than "Take The Buick", the other Feedtime U.S. 7" compilation track with a similar title... the Bastards track was apparently their first ever, and sounds downright poppy alongside the likes of some of their other stuff like "Shit For Brains" and "Hole". Oddly enough, it's similar to some of Feedtime's more pensive LP tracks... unlike some people, "Drunks Theme" was never one of my favorite Drunks With Guns songs, but since it's got the great bassline and awesome snare sound that a lot of great Drunks tracks have, I'm not complaining. Keep in mind, I've still got the first Drunks 7" lined up to be ripped and posted eventually... the Venom P. Stinger track isn't all that interesting, so I left it off. You can still probably track down one of these records yourself (I mean, 1500 copies made, that's more than the last Saliva record sold) if you really need to hear it.
Bastards -
Drunks With Guns -
"Drunks Theme"
Feedtime -
"Plymouth Car Is a Limousine"