Thursday 27 August 2009

Childfree Shopping…

Well I enjoyed 3 hours of childfree shopping yesterday and managed to treat myself to some lovely trinkets :)

Here are some pictures of a few of them…

244312I needed some new coffee, tea and sugar canisters for my kitchen but couldn't find any that I liked anywhere…until…I went into CK and found these delightful ones…this picture is from her website.SDC10857Theses are from the Peter Rabbit shop, I adore Beatrix Potter and just love the Tailor of Gloucester. The postcard book has 60 postcards in it, some for framing and the others to send…that is if I can bring myself to rip them out…lolSDC10858I love these little angels and have quite a few of the little gift cards and notepads, I saw these postcards in Paperchase and fell in love with them and also some stylish note cards too.

Other things I bought were a little heart shaped wind chime and a pink sequined photo frame from the Shared Earth shop but I have already put them up in my bedroom and 2 little wooden hearts to hand on pictures of the kids. So all in all a good trinket purchasing session was had by me.

SDC10855      I was lucky enough to be the winner of the giveaway on Andrea’s blog for the Drawn Thread “Random Thoughts” chart and it arrived yesterday too, here is a picture or two of it, once I have stitched this piece it will be offered on my blog as a giveaway too…just to carry on the stitching kindness we all share.SDC10856   I have completed my piece of secret stitching and also my L*K Exchange piece they need to be made up along with my August Christmas Ornie, I won’t be able to reveal them to you yet I am sorry to say…please be patient lol!!

The weather is bright and sunny today so I am having a washing fest…all the towels etc will be out on the line in a bit, I have cleaned the bathroom, so just the downstairs to vacuum, but not til after lunch as Isaac has a habit of dropping most of his lunch on the floor…lol. Then I will either to a bit of finishing or just sit and stitch a bit more on my current WIP…which is the Sampler Girl’s “At Home”


it’s a really loving design to stitch, I am using the recommended Crescent Colour threads but have slightly changed them around…so the primary colour is purple…better for matching my bedroom :)

Well enough of my waffling…hope you have a fun day…

As always heartfelt thanks for all your kind words and comments I really do appreciate them.

Hugs & Stitches

Elisa x


Michelle said...

Hi Elisa
Wonderful retail therapy! Glad you had a good day. Your Home Comforts stitching is wonderful - must add this to my wish list. What a lovely design.
Love Michelle x

Meadows08 said...

I just found your blog. I love your canisters, they are so cute! And I love the Sampler Girl piece, I agree completely with the comforts of home!

Jan said...

Elisa, first time visiting your blog. So glad you stopped by and posted at mine, I would never have found you! Lovely blog!

Love your shopping trip finds, such fun to spruce up things once in awhile, isn't it?

Carol R said...

I love the Tailor of Gloucester too - it's my favourite BP tale. I brought the video for the children way back before DVDs and I will own up that I still watch it! Love those little stitching mice and that cat is so funny!

Theresa said...

Childfree shopping~~~ Such a nice treat~~ And I love the treasures you found!!!!!

Julie said...

Lovley purchases, those tins are fab. Nice Drawn Thread win.

Angela said...

Pleased to hear you made the most of your child free hurs.

I was in my (not so) local needlework shop yesterday and saw these lovely little designs of the Beatrix Potter characters one of which was the Taylr of Gloucester.

Cheryl said...

Sounds like such a great shopping day!
I have that sampler girl design as a wip somewhere...stitched the wording anyway. I really like it!

Karan said...

Looks like you had a great time & found the prettiest goodies ever. Nice win & a lovely WIP. :0)