Showing posts with label LHN Sheep Virtues. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LHN Sheep Virtues. Show all posts

Thursday 23 January 2014

A New Yarn Basket!!

It’s a damp drizzly day in York today, but after the freezing cold few days we had at the start of the week, a pleasant relief, we skated to work and school this week, I nearly ended up on my posterior several times as my office is located on an industrial estate on the edge of York in a little village so the country pathways were decidedly dicey.

i have been rather under the weather too, since my flu jab in November, I’ve not been right, a constant cold and cough which didn’t want to shift, last week it just got worse, i could hardly breathe, a trip to the docs gave me the diagnosis of a chest and upper respiratory infection, no wonder I was feeling so crap…anyway I’m now on the horse pill sized pills and starting to feel a bit better.

I’ve managed a little stitching this week, the next of my LHN Sheepies….Patience, I’m stitching it in the recommended DMC threads, but have made a change on the blue, I fancied something a little brighter.


I also got a new basket for my yarn this week…..I love it sooooo much, it’s lovely and big and will hold a good amount of yarn..


The weave is fairly smooth, but as I don;t want my yarh to get any snags, i am going to line it…I have had some heavier weigh CK fabric in my stash cupboard for a good long while, it will be perfect for the job…and it’s pretty too..


My mum is going into hospital tomorrow for a hysterectomy, she’s been waiting an awful long time for it, she will have  12-16 week recovery period afterwards too, so I will be on hand to help out with household stuff as much as I can….I’ll keep you posted on that.

Right folks, time to make a basket lining template I think….keep warm and dry

Hugs and Stitches


Friday 17 January 2014


It’s been a pottering few days, catching up on chores, cleaning windows and washing curtains and all the boring things like that that have to be done. My living room is looking lovely and clean and tidy now, the paintwork and decor is a little tired but that will have to wait, but by changing some of my trinkets and treasures around it makes it feel almost new again….also another pretty bouquet of flowers always cheers me and the room up…

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I dressed my other hottie this week….another bright and cheery jacket…

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The Little Miss started Rainbows this week and was very excited….


I have been doing a little stitching, I started this quite a while ago but it fell by the wayside with Christmas gift stitching…it’s Ewe & Eye & Friends ‘Love Letters’, I’m using Six Strand Sweet threads of my own choice, I should hopefully complete it over the weekend.


Finally…Andrea messaged me to say my Blogaversary giveaway package had arrived to her…I loved putting it together…enjoy it Andrea!


A quiet weekend at home for us…it’s bright and sunny here but it’s biting cold…brrrrrr!

Hugs & Stitches


Sunday 5 January 2014

Poetry and Plans…

The holidays are over, back to school tomorrow for the kiddiewinks, it’s flown by, probably because I’ve had to work over the Christmas break and we’ve been busy fitting in appointments to the dentist and the doctors etc around this.

I’ve also been fitting in my studies every evening, a few evenings of reading for my religion module, Islam is the religion I’m currently studying, plus I’ve had an assignment to write for my other module, creative writing; a short story, play extract or poem, I opted for the poem, which was on the subject of Borstal (a young offenders institution for my non UK readers). it’s been a challenge, I’m not naturally a creative writer, but I’ve battled through and have my final draft ready to tweak tomorrow, I’ve also drafted my reflective commentary to go alongside it. It’ll be submitted Tuesday, then back to Islam and I’ve also Dickens' Hard Times to read….

I’ve managed a little stitching….I’ve got my first finish for 2014…LHN Sheep Virtues ‘Simplicity’


I’ve got a few stitching plans for this year, I want to finish up the Sheep Virtues series, I’m half way through the 12, I’ve a few larger projects I want to work on, but apart from that I’m not pressurising myself. I have made a start on a crochet blanket for my bed, its king size so it’s a big project, I’m hooking granny circles to go into square…lovely bright pops of colour.

Anything else that takes my fancy will just fit in around my larger projects…

Well m’dears, it’s time for sleep….an early start tomorrow…

Thanks for popping by…

Hugs and Stitches


Saturday 27 July 2013


What a hot month we are having here in the UK, yes I shouldn't complain, but I will, the sunshine is fabulous but the humidity is just so bad, it makes me feel ill, sickly and drained, we are in need of a major thunder storm to freshen the air slightly. Every task seems to take twice as long and a nap is required after each one.

Anyway…I have been crafting, enjoying my final 2 months study free time…come October it will be all hands to the pump again!

I’m slowly but surely getting through my LHN Sheep Virtues, I’ve just completed Courage and made it up…


I stitched it on 32 Murano Beige using the recommended DMC threads, I finished it as a hanging pillow edged with iridescent cream ric rac.

I’ve also been busy with fabric and thread…I made this little treasure this morning for the little Miss, it’s for her PE kit, she starts full time school in September, she chose the fabric…yellow is her favourite colour…


2 of my sofa cushions needed a renovate so armed with Stylecraft DK and a hook, I have produced these….

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the above cover is the same front and back….the one below has 2 different sides, so I have 2 different looks which i can swap and change..

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Finally….I was the lucky winner of Michelle’s blog giveaway last month, she very kindly sent me a monetary gift so I could shop wherever I wanted….I had a great time purchasing my goodies which included…


..this fab book from Amazon full of new crochet stitches for me to master, a bespoke crochet hook, made by a lady on the Open University Craft Group I belong to, she also sent me the handmade buttons too…as well as the above goodies I bought some wool to make scarf and hat sets for the kiddiewinks for the winter and some lovely Cotton On yarn with which I made this…


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I saw the idea on Lucy’s blog Attic24 and adapted it to my own taste, this will be for my new bedroom…once decorated…

Well folks that’s all for this time…take care and stay cool!!

Hugs & Stitches


Monday 4 March 2013

March Onwards….

Oh please spring arrive, I am sick of this freezing cold weather I need to see the sunshine and the blossom and flowers…..I have been making the most of the cold nights by beavering away with a needle or hook…..I have some finishes to share with you…. firstly I made my Pride and Prejudice Sampler into a wall hanging…
This is the gift I have made for my mum for Mother’s Day….
iStitch ‘Sew Sweet’ stitched on 32c tea dyed fabric using Carries Threads ‘Black Cherry’, I finished it as a beaded edge pillow…
A needed a new pincushion…..this bright simple one took me all of 45 minutes to make…..
I finally completed my Blooming Flower crochet cushion as shown on the Attic24 blog….I used Rico Cotton Aran yarn to make this up….I love it so much….
I also made up this African flower crochet pincushion….which i found on the Cherry Heart blog…
I received my first LHN Sheep Virtues ’Hope’ chart and immediately stitched it up and finished it as a flat hanging ornament, I stitched this on 32c bay Leaf evenweave with DMC threads…..I am stitching all these throughout the year…..
…..not a lot of words to waffle today as we haven’t been up to much…the bad weather and lack of funds have put paid to this….i will leave you with a picture of my 2 little angels taken during a walk in the park last week when the sun decided to shine for a few hours….
Hugs & Stitches