Showing posts with label PIF 2011. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PIF 2011. Show all posts

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Birthday Boy & Reveals…

Today is little man’s 7th birthday and what an excited little chap he was this morning…here are a few piccies of his present opening..
SDC11990 SDC11981 SDC11985
He has asked to have tea at McDonalds this evening…I have baked him a double choc cake…which I just need to ice and decorate a bit later.
I have 2 reveals I can now share…firstly my PIF to Lisa
TSG Rain Rain 2 PIF to Lisa
The Sampler Girl Freebie “April Showers"
Stitched on 28c Country French Linen “Cashmere” using my choice of DMC threads
Finished as a ribbon trimmed pillow
My second reveal was my piece to Alison for the Seasonal Exchange blog Spring Round (I have used Alison’s picture as it has come out better than mine)
Spring Ornie exchange - front
Caroline Hofstede freebie “Carrot Patch”
Stitched on 28c Jobelan “Moss Green” with DMC threads as charted
Finished as a hanging ornament
Thanks for reading and visiting my blog and all the wonderful comments I have received on my recent posts…I truly love to read them and greatly appreciate the time you take.
Hugs & Stitches

Sunday 6 March 2011

Sunny Sunday

…..that is what it is here today, the sun is shining…even my washing is hung drying on the line for the first time this year!
Wow it’s been one of those weeks where I don’t know where the time has gone…blink and it had gone…I have managed to do some stitching, mainly one’s I can’t reveal as they are for exchanges & gifts, I have stitched and completed 3 this week as well working on my TSG SAL piece “In the Garden with Jane Austen”…here is my latest progress on this…
Angela messaged to me to let me know that my PIF piece had arrived with her, I stitched this as part of my February monthly challenge piece on the Needlecraft Haven forum, but I thought it would be a perfect gift for Angela, I finished it as a mattress pin pillow and Angela has already put it to good use…so I am delighted.
The Stitcherhood Love 1 The Stitcherhood Love
The Stitcherhood “Love” Freebie
28c Jobelan “Antique White” using GAST “Tea Rose” Thread
Finished as a mattress pin pillow
Started 8th February – Completed 11th February
I spent all day yesterday sorting my charts some order, filing all my printed freebies and filing them so now I should be able to just “find” what I am needing without spending hours…in theory…lol!
Thanks to those of you have already messaged me in regard to purchasing from my updated sale page…I appreciate it very much!
I received a lovely message the other day from Lynn from Happiness Is Cross stitching to let me know that I had won her Valentines giveaway..woohoo…Lynn’s creations are divine…I can’t wait for the parcel to arrive!
Until next time….Hugs & Stitches

Sunday 30 January 2011

Petit Chat!

Tra-la-la Petit Chat (4-1-11)
Tra-la-La “Petit Chat”
32c Belfast Linen “Antique Ivory”
DMC 518
Finished as a tuck pillow using “cat” fabric and buttons
Sent to Sue as a PIF gift!
Hugs & Stitches

Thursday 27 January 2011

Some Days…

… of these is definitely required…
Good news…Martha is getting better, she has eaten petit filous and cheerios this morning and is drinking, she is playing and chatting a little more, but is still needing a little rest on the sofa every so often.
I started stitching on my TSG SAL piece last night…I am quite pleased with my progress, I sat stitching whilst watching the NTA’s with the gorgeous Dermot O’Leary (gosh couldn’t you just take him home with you!), a Rose Garden tea in my CK cup and saucer and a brownie…perfect!SDC11746  My third PIF gift is being mailed tomorrow…who can it be going to? I wonder!!
Hugs & Stitches

Wednesday 19 January 2011

PIF for Fiona and a Treat for Me!!

Fiona let me know that my PIF piece to her had finally arrived…it had only taken almost 3 weeks to go about 200 miles…grrrr! Anyway she loves it and it’s the first biscornu she has ever received so I am delighted to be the first.
PIF 2011 Fiona 2 PIF 2011 Fiona 1
“French Biscornu” by Yvonne Horn of Papillion Creations from the April 2008 issue of GOSM.
28ct Hand-Dyed Fabric in ‘Jonquil’ using Steff Francis hand-dyed cotton and mother of pearl vintage buttons
I have been busy stitching, I have done some more work on my Lizzie*Kate Double Flips and my LHN Home of a Needleworker and did start one of my Shepherd’s Bush designs…I chose “Blueberry Tea”, it is from the Bramble Hearth booklet it’s a delight to stitch and is growing very quickly….I will post pictures of my WIP progress later this week.
On Sunday I got a MASSIVE treat…I had a nice refund of money last week and I have been after this for ages…..isn’t it divine :0)
I have also completed my third PIF piece and that will be going in the post in the next day or so…who will it be going to…be patient!
Hugs & Stitches

*Edited to say: The Cath Kidston house is a Sewing Box!

Sunday 12 December 2010

Gift for Sally and PIF 2011 Draw

It’s Sally’s birthday today and here is a (not so good) picture of the little gift I sent to her…SDC11631
Primitive Sheep Sampler” by Betty Dekat – Primitive Betty’s
Stitched on 32c Jobelan “Bay Leaf”
Using DMC & WDW Threads
Since announcing my PIF I have also won a place on Gaynor’s PIF too so I thought that I would double up to 6….but then that would leave one person who had entered not receiving…so I have decided to send out PIF’s to all 7 people who entered…that is
Gracie, Claire, Fiona, Angela, Lisa, Sue & Chelsea
Ladies could you please email me at with your postal information please and you will receive a handmade item from me during 2011…all I ask from you is that you now offer the PIF on your blog :0)
Lots of stitching and decorating has been taking place here…but mainly for exchanges so I cannot share at the moment…
My giveaway is still open here so please go along to enter
Hugs & Stitches

Sunday 28 November 2010

Pay It Forward 2011

I was chosen as one of Sally's PIF recipients and because of this I am now offering a PIF on my blog...the rules are simple

If you would like to be chosen as one of my three 2011 PIF recipients then please post a comment with your email address on this post only, you will then receive a stitched gift from me during 2011.

I will draw 3 names at random on Sunday 12th December 2010 at 7pm (GMT)

If you are chosen to be one of my recipients you must then offer the same PIF on your blog to keep this going...there you I said SIMPLE!!

Looking forward to you joining in!

Hugs & Stitches