Showing posts with label LHN Sheep Virtues SAL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LHN Sheep Virtues SAL. Show all posts

Saturday 27 July 2013


What a hot month we are having here in the UK, yes I shouldn't complain, but I will, the sunshine is fabulous but the humidity is just so bad, it makes me feel ill, sickly and drained, we are in need of a major thunder storm to freshen the air slightly. Every task seems to take twice as long and a nap is required after each one.

Anyway…I have been crafting, enjoying my final 2 months study free time…come October it will be all hands to the pump again!

I’m slowly but surely getting through my LHN Sheep Virtues, I’ve just completed Courage and made it up…


I stitched it on 32 Murano Beige using the recommended DMC threads, I finished it as a hanging pillow edged with iridescent cream ric rac.

I’ve also been busy with fabric and thread…I made this little treasure this morning for the little Miss, it’s for her PE kit, she starts full time school in September, she chose the fabric…yellow is her favourite colour…


2 of my sofa cushions needed a renovate so armed with Stylecraft DK and a hook, I have produced these….

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the above cover is the same front and back….the one below has 2 different sides, so I have 2 different looks which i can swap and change..

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Finally….I was the lucky winner of Michelle’s blog giveaway last month, she very kindly sent me a monetary gift so I could shop wherever I wanted….I had a great time purchasing my goodies which included…


..this fab book from Amazon full of new crochet stitches for me to master, a bespoke crochet hook, made by a lady on the Open University Craft Group I belong to, she also sent me the handmade buttons too…as well as the above goodies I bought some wool to make scarf and hat sets for the kiddiewinks for the winter and some lovely Cotton On yarn with which I made this…


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I saw the idea on Lucy’s blog Attic24 and adapted it to my own taste, this will be for my new bedroom…once decorated…

Well folks that’s all for this time…take care and stay cool!!

Hugs & Stitches


Sunday 30 June 2013

A Long Month…..

Wow it’s been a long month since I last posted, it’s been a busy one with tackling the garden and organising my new degree modules for later in the year and organising the First Holy Communion Mass with the other Catechists, it went really well and the sun shined for all the children, the girls looked beautiful in their pretty white dresses and veils and the boys very smart in their crisp white shirts with red ties and red satin sashes (made by me!).

I have kept myself busy crafting too….I finished stitching my LHN Sheep Virtue ‘Peace’ this a few weeks ago, but have only got around to making it up…


I’ve made a few colour changes but have used DMC threads and stitched it on 32c Murano fabric and added a ruche ribbon trim….

I also managed to make up this embroidered wall hanging for little Miss’ bedroom…it was a free embroidery design, but unfortunately I can’t remember where I got if from…..


I also found a few hours to make the end of year gifts for the teachers….I decided on tissue pouches which I popped some Cath Kidston tissues inside…


I’ve also been doing some hooking too….I made up this bag following the tutorial on Lucy’s blog


I hooked this uses Rico Cotton Aran….I still need to line this but I will use it for a yarn project bag….

I have a few other projects going on too….a huge king size bed throw for my bed for when my bedroom is decorated later in the summer, some cushion covers, a stitched sampler for my parents who celebrate their Ruby Wedding Anniversary in November and the rest of my Sheep Virtues too….

I have booked myself on my next degree modules, I will be studying 2 modules together to catch up from my module withdrawal earlier this year, I will be studying Voices and Texts and Introducing Religions….it will be a busy winter but both the children will be at school full-time which should give me more study time…in theory!

I did have some shocking news last week, the past 6 months I haven’t felt right, sleepy, lethargic, emotional and snappy (you get what I mean), anyway I also seemed to be catching every bug which was going around…anyway I had to see my GP early last week for one of these reasons and I mentioned to her how I had been feeling anyway to cut a long story short I went to the hospital to give blood for testing on Thursday and on Friday morning the doctors called me in urgently….you can imagine my panic…every conceivable illness went through my brain…anyway I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, even though I had gestational diabetes during both my pregnancies, it came as a huge shock….I have to completely change my lifestyle, it’s not like a diet as many of the foods you can ‘fill up’ with on a diet they are a no no or very limited with a diabetic eating plan….but it is something I have to contend with and now live with….

Well I must go and get cracking….things to do…..thanks for visiting my blog today!

Hugs & Stitches


Sunday 6 January 2013

Happy 2013

Wow it seems ages since I last posted, I have had some time away from my pc and my study books….although I am now finding it difficult to get back into it and with a 2000 word essay due in next week I really must ‘get my finger out’!

We spent our Christmas very quietly, Christmas Day was spent at my parents house….the kiddiewinks had a fabulous time playing with new toys….


They spent Boxing Day with their dad so I had a relaxing day at home….and did some crochet….I have quite a few projects now nearing completion…..My stripey blanket needs an edging on it as this was my first big project and the edges are slightly wonky so I have hemmed them and have some apple green felt which matches perfectly with the green stripe which I am going to trim the blanket with….


Plus 2 cushion fronts, they both need a few extra rows to make them the correct size, I am using the same green felt to make the backings for these too…


I decided that the living room needed a bit of a change around and sort out…..I took a trip to Dunelm Mill and Matalan last weekend and bought a few bits and bobs….and spent the past 2 days shifting furniture, dismantling and changing everything around……here is the result…I made the crochet garland last night….very simple with cream chunky yarn and natural twine….I think it fits perfectly…IMAG1440IMAG1441IMAG1442IMAG1449IMAG1450

I have committed to one stitchy SAL this year, which is the LHN Sheep Virtues, I have decided to not over commit myself on projects this year…..once my exam is over with in June I will have a long break as my next module will not start until November so I can enjoy a crafty summer this year! I am also going to choose a couple of larger projects which I can pick up and do during the year, once I have decided on these I will share them.

Just a few other little things which have made me smile this week….my new basket for my hooky projects, the picture is deceiving it is as big as a bucket….a steal at £2.50….also another £2.50 steal is this floral watering can which fits perfectly on my kitchen window sill…Issue 1 one of the new Simply Crochet magazine which dropped through my letterbox yesterday….


and finally these little monkeys who drive me to distraction most days…but are also so loving and caring too…471732_10151161602862167_582203568_o

Thank you to everyone who continues to read my wafflings….I look forward to waffling to you a whole lot more through 2013!

Hugs & Stitches
