Showing posts with label Gardening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gardening. Show all posts

Sunday 4 July 2010

This “n” That

No stitchy pics to show you today, I have finished stitching LHN “Winter Sheep and need to finish it up as an ornie, I have also been stitching and finishing my final PIF which will be on it’s way to Gaynor in the next day or so!! I made a start on CCN “Little Ballerina’s” last night and ending up frogging it all as I miscounted…grrrr…so I will start that again today.

I have had a man free and child free weekend, Mark has gone on holiday with his family for the week, we were invited but I refuse to take Isaac out of school during term time…education I feel is too important. The children are at their Daddy’s so I have had lots of “me” time. I had to do a good dust and vacuum through yesterday morning as I have had the council in doing lots of repairs so lots of dust and mess…I got a new fire and surround…

SDC11338 also the “artwork” mentioned in my previous post which was all cleaned away, the internal doors were replaced and they measured up for my new front door as the other one also has “artwork” on it. The tree surgeon is coming this week to remove the dead conifers and cut the rest to a manageable level, then the new fencing can go up and they also need to remove all the rubbish from behind the trees'…finally things are moving!

I took a few pictures of my pots for you to see….

SDC11337 SDC11335 SDC11336

I can’t wait for those fuchsia buds to open…I chose a purple and pink fuchsia…my 2 favourite colours :0)

I will take more photo’s when they flower for you to see..

Off to do some stitching now I think..

Hugs & Stitches

Elisa x