Saturday 29 August 2009

PIF #3

Chris' PIF2_sml

I am a lucky girl and have been chosen as one of Chris’s PIF recipients…so in true PIF style I will now offer a PIF on my blog, my third in the past year…(keeps me busy)!

If you would like to be entered into the draw to receive a piece of my hand stitched work within the next 12 months then please leave a comment on this post, I will then enter all the names “in a hat” on Saturday 12th September and reveal the 3 winners…

If you are chosen as one of the winners then you must offer the same on your blog to keep the kindness going!

Good luck..

Hugs & Stitches

Elisa x


Kate said...

Would love to be one of your PIF's. I already have one of your pieces. Another would be fantastic. Then I could PIF too. Hope you choose me.

Stitching Kath said...

I will add my name to your draw as i love your stitched items.

stitchersanon said...

I promised myself no more exchanges lol but how can I refuse. I love your stitching lol

Lindylou said...

Hi Elisa

I love your work and i would love to be in your PIF please. I will then offer it on my blog



Unknown said...

I have never entered an exchange - and this might be a good place to start. Please enter me too :)

Carol said...

So I've been seeing these PIF projects at a number of blogs and been thinking what a great idea. I think I am ready to participate :)