
Blog Vacation

I'll be back in a few weeks!


-- Posted from my iPhone


A little sew-a-long project Block #4 - 6

A little sew-a-long project by Cheryl
Block size: 4" sq finished

I've been busy sewing today
and all caught up with
 both mistrey quilt's blocks!

I feel worn out now for the day
after a lot of tedious works...

Block 4: Crosses and Losses

Block #5: Cubed Lattice

Block #6: Evening of North Star

I think I'll coffee dye these blocks
as well as Cheri's once they are all assembled.
My eyes are just telling me
they are too bright and look raw! lol

As I will have to get back with my study,
I won't post anything fun
for the rest of the week.

We shall see...

-- Posted from my iPhone

soot&ashes Block #10 - 12

"soot&ashes" by Cheri Payne
Block size: 5" sq finished

I can't believe I sewed total of six blocks
between Cheryl's and Cheri's today!

Yes, six!!!

Block #10

Block #11

Block #12

What's for dinner today?


-- Posted from my iPhone

Shining Stars

"Moonlit Garden" Loose Feather #22
Fabric: Lakeside Linens 40ct Vintage Dill
Fiber: WDW- called for the chart

Now the stars around the house
 are all stitched up.

Then finally,
 I'm getting into my most favorite
part of this- saying!


-- Posted from my iPhone

One Flower Wednesday - Week 15

It was pouring early this morning
and looks like it actually helped
for three new blooms today!!

What an easy and pretty blooms!

Happy gardening ;)

-- Posted from my iPhone


Homework time

"Autumn Song - Needle Keep
Loose Feathers #27 by BBD
Fabrics: Lakeside Linens,
Unknown colourway scrap 32ct
Fiber: Belle Soie, Cranberry

It was Sampler Sunday at my LNS yesterday
and got reminded of the up coming class
next month by Linda @Samplers Remembered.

She is going to teach us
how to embelish the pincushion trim
with beautiful antique buttons.

I knew I'm supposed to finish a pincushion
prior to the class date,
but hadn't have decided what I want to stitch.

As talking to Linda yesterday,
I asked what chart she used
for her class sample and found out
I may have that same exact chart in my stash!!

Boom! Sure enough,
 it was sitting on the shelf in my closet
with other unstitched LF charts...

And a sad thing is
I've even never bothered looking
what's on the back side of this chart
with such a lovely thing on it!

I stitched a little last night and
just finished the stitching part.
Now I will have to finish it
as a pincushion before the class...

It will be a lot of fun!!


-- Posted from my iPhone


My Fall House...

"Moonlit Garden" Loose Feather #22
by BBD
Fabric: Lakeside Linens 40ct Vintage Dill
Fiber: WDW- called for the chart

My Fall House is coming along
better and better every day.

As  it's Sampler Sunday at my LNS tomorrow,
I'm hoping I won't get sidetracked
by other new projects...
You all know how it goes, don't you?

Arizona Restaurant Week has started today!
It's a great opportunity to enjoy dining
 at beautiful restaurants in the valley :)))

All the participant reastaurants have
their own special 3-course prefixed menu
at $29 or $39 for dinner.

Have a wonderful weekend!

-- Posted from my iPhone

A little sew-a-long project Block #2 & #3

A little sew-a-long project by Cheryl
Block size: 4" sq finished

All caught up with these blocks as well :)
Block 2: Bouquet

I got to have used my "red" in this block.

Block 3: Paddle Wheel

This block was a very tricky one.
Very interesting way to construct the pieces.
But I love how the way it turned out!!

I also like having some reds in the center.
My eyes are not used to see
things like this- only a little bit of red
as I usually like to add a lot of reds
in any of my work.

I learned when I use only a tiny bit of my favorite,
it'll actually stand up and show off  better of its beauty...

-- Posted from my iPhone

soot&ashes Block #9

"soot&ashes " Block #9 by Cheri Payne
Block size: 5" sq finished

All caought up to the current!


-- Posted from my iPhone


So Cal Trip #5- Final



This shop was our final destination,
but definitely not the least.
It's called The Country Loft.

OMG, how can we expect to see
this many many gorgeous stuff
in such a cute little shop?

*** Please click on the mosaic
pictures to enlarge ***

The shop was fully decorated
with beautifrul fall inspirations.

Wool room...

I was fortunate to meet JoAnn
who is the author of a lovely book
called "Wool Crazy".

I had her autograph with my name
on my brand new copy :)))

We are still in the wool room...

You got to see the kitchen, too!

Then what's the next to the kitchen?

How about more of the back rooms?

Go back to the front
and will go around from the other room.

That's really all!!
Hope you all enjoyed the shop tours with us.

Then now what?
We have to go back home...

Now you may wonder where we have been?
Haven't we been to Southern California?

Yes, that was our destination,
but on the way back home,
we had to go through some interesting areas,
such as very pretty sand dunes and
 US Border Patrol/Arizona Immigration Checkpoint.

We were driving right by the border of
between the U.S. and Mexico
like the bottom right picture.
Do you see the black fence?
That is the U.S.-Mexico border fence.

Thanks for visiting
and I will see you later.


The Country Loft
4685 Date Ave.,
La Mesa, CA 91941
Phone: (619) 466-5411


-- Posted from my iPhone


One Flower Wednesday - Week 14

It's Wednesday again today,
and one full bloom has just popped up!

I will visit everyone's garden tomorrow ;)
Happy Gardening!!

-- Posted from my iPhone

So Cal Trip #4

We visited this charming little shop
in the morning of our day 2.
It's called Fat Quarters Shop.



*** Please click on the mosaic
pictures to enlarge ***

There are quite few of
lovely little rooms here and there
filled with all kinds of goodies for us!
There is a Jo Morton's room
and Judie Rothermel's room, too :)))

It's so hard to see the justice of
the actual shop atmosphere
 from my poor pictures,
but it was such a heart warming
shop visit with very many yummy displays
and the shop samples.

This is the shop
where we both  fell in love with Cheri's quilts.
There were her shop samples all over.
Kristine and I were really busy
looking up and down,
hopping between the rooms,
I mean we were all over chasing her quilts.

It was my very first visit to this shop
and really enjoyed the visit.
I found another one of my favorite!


Fat Quarters Shop
728 Civic Center Drive,
Vista, CA 92084
 (formerly 728 Escondido Avenue)

Note: There is an important things
noted at their website for the GPS users.

Phone: (760) 758-8308


One more last shop visit after this one...
Stay tuned!

- Posted from my iPhone