Showing posts with label Holiday Greetings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holiday Greetings. Show all posts


Happy Easter

freebie by BBD
Size: 11 1/4" x 11 /1/4"

*** Made just one basket block and added
corner stones and bunny ***

Happy Easter/Spring mini!


Happy Valentine's Day

Sending lots of Valentine's hugs and kisses
 your way!!
Hoping to be back to the blogland very soon.
-- Posted from my iPhone


Happy New Year!

May the New Year bring you
health, happiness, and all other good things.

-- Posted from my iPhone


Season's Greetings

 May the beauty of the season bring joy to your heart.

-- Posted from my iPhone


Happy Thanksgiving

 May the bounty of the season
fill your heart and home! 

-- Posted from my iPhone


Happy 4th of July

Wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy Fourth of July! 

-- Posted from my iPhone


Last day of the year

I don't really know 
how it's the last day of the year today?


Very Merry Christmas!

Wishing you and yours 
a happy holiday season!!


Any plans for stitching or quilting
during the holiday weekend?


On Sunny Memorial Day,

On a long weekend day,
no cooking, no cleaning
 (Do I ever do that anyway?),
and no one else is around the house,
what would you like to do?

***** Click "Read more" option *****


Happy Easter and fun!

May this Easter find you dancing with joy!

***** Click "Read more" option *****


Happy New Year!

Are you planning on having some fun
on New Year's Day?

Here is my fun #1 for today.

It's a little free kit
came with my purchase at TQC
last month.
I'm making this snowman ornament
as soon as finish posting this pic on my blog.

filled with the cute woolen ornaments,
I started dreaming about having a tree
like hers someday...

So this will be my very first step
to get there!

Then here is my fun #2 for today.
Am I being too ambitious?

It's a new quilty project
based on the private block swap
I had with my Japanese friend Ms. m
early last year.

We set the theme with
and exchanged four blocks.
And her blocks are all hand pieced!!!

My plan so far is to make a bunch of
HSTs which will be a part of the border
all around the blocks.

Speaking of HSTs,
I'm going to use my new weapon
just received over the holiday
to make HSTs for this quilt.
According to my figure,
I will need 40 of 1 1/2" finish HSTs.
We shall see how it goes...

As the blocks are in lovely
red, pink and chocolate colors,
I named this project as
"Valentine's Quilt".

And the last one,
but definetely not the least,
I'm sharing this beautiful quilt with you.

It was an unexpected gift from
my quilty friend Ms. K
as a part of the Christmas gifts.

To my surprise,
she knew how much I love the red fabrics!
Not only my favorite reds,
but the border fabric is THE favorite one!!

She explained that the backing fabric
was one of the sale fabrics found at
Quilter's Coop we've visited together
back in last summer.

Did I see this lovely fabric there?

I remember that she sees every little thing
in each shop we've visited and
occasionally had to remind me
some of my favorites are in the sales bin
as I'm one of those people
who don't see anything for some reason.
I wonder what I'm doing while shopping?

So at the end, she finds so many goodies,
but that wont' happen to me...

 It is still such a great benefit for me
to shop with someone like her,
who is a professional shopper though.

And the prim sign in the first picture
on the top of this post
is also from her.
Thank you Ms. K!!

So that's all for now from me and
 I'm telling you I'm not going to
make a new year's resolutions this year
as I've never achieved one in the past.

But we all know that
we will still enjoy our needlework...

-- Posted from my iPhone


Happy Turkey Day!

-- Posted from my iPhone