Showing posts with label Book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Book. Show all posts


Good book, Sarah and Susan!

Ms. Limo: Do you know what is my mom's weak?

I wonder what it is??

***** Click "Read more" option
to move forward to the rest. *****


Stitch, book and sick

"Sarah Seifer"
by The Goode Huswife
Fabric: 40ct Vtg. Maritime White
by Lakeside Linens
Fibers: NPI

Just received Kathy's new book :)


My Christmas book for this year

This is the book I choose for
early Christmas gift for myself
 for this year.

I select one nice hardcover,
almost a coffee table book kind
for myself this time of every year
since I've started enjoying the needlework.

This year, I choose "Quilts" -
Masterworks from the American Folk Art Museum.

I've seen people are talking about this book
on the blog land since the book came out,
then saved my appetite till now to enjoy :)

The irony is that
on my every visit to NY,
I seem to fail to plan to visit this museum
without any particular reason.

I love museums and try to visit
The Frick every time when I stay in NY.

While Vero made her visit to
back in November of last year,
we even didn't talk about it
 till the last day of our stay.
As my plane was scheduled to leave
way earlier than hers,
 it was not my option to go there together.

We actually visited MET on our second day
together and  enjoyed our time there though...

Then my last NY visit was back in March.
Of course I even didn't think about it...
I wonder why?
I just feel very odd about this
and would love to visit on my next NY visit!!

Anyhow, I got my book and totally fascinated
with all the pictures of their collection!
I feel overwhelmed and spoilt.

Hope you all enjoy this holiday season!!


-- Posted from my iPhone