Showing posts with label Renee Plains. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Renee Plains. Show all posts


My birds are flying!

Ms. Limo: Good morning everyone!
I've been busy modeling for my mommy this morning,
as she finished a quilt top!!
Ms. Limo: Would you like to see
how it looks like?
"When Birds Flying Quilt"
Fabrics: Jo Morton, Judie Rothermel,
Bonnie Blue, and others
Size: 43" x 55"

Ms. Limo: Ta-Dahhhhhh
She almost appliqued me onto the quilt.
Can you believe that!?
Ms. Limo: Then she also made a Bird #3.

"Flying Geese Roll-Up"
Fabrics: All sort of Judie Rothermel's lines
and Bonnie Blue
Size: 9" x 16"

It was really fun making both :)

-- Posted from my iPhone


Still too hot!

"When Birds Flying Quilt"
Fabrics: Jo Morton, Judie Rothermel,
Bonnie Blue, and others
Size: 43" x 55"
Block: 10 3/4" finished

I just started this new project
 the night before last night.

I needed something nice and easy
to be relaxed while we are still suffering
from the heat in Arizona.
I'm really looking forward the autumn now!!

Then I found out that I was way wrong
about something I expected...
I had a lot of troubles with piecing the triangles,
then somehow it's gotten better slowly by now.

I haven't pieced anything this jumbo lately
and forgot about how difficult
and need more patience to sew something
like this huge as your sewing line is
a lot longer than you would think.
And I'm still learning ...

But sure it looks nice with
autumn colors and such simple beauty.
I really like it!!

-- Posted from my iPhone


My Sewing Set

"Flying Geese Roll-Up"
Fabrics: All sort of Judie Rothermel's lines
and Bonnie Blue
Size: 9" x 16"

quickly found a new home on past Wednesday.
And here is my version to show you now.

As I've made this and this in the past,
I was thinking to make one with
the same main fabric in red ;)
The one on the first row at left
is a tool organizer
which I don't think I've shared a picture of yet.

I think I made that awhile ago
along with others.
Oh, that's right, I made that
right after made this one.
How soon to forget?

I can't wait to take these with me
to the needlecraft meeting!!


P/S Hi karin in NY,
Thanks for leaving a nice comment.
I'm so glad to find you again here.
Since I don't see your email address listed
under your profile,
I have no way to contact you,
but just letting you know that
It's really good to hear from you :)))

-- Posted from my iPhone



"Flying Geese Roll-Up"
Fabrics: All sort of Judie Rothermel's lines
Size: 9" x 16"

I tried Single fold binding at my first time this time.

My friend Kristine & her mom Pauline suggested
and showed me how to do it.

I was a little afraid at first with 1 1/2" width of
the binding strips, then it was even too wide!!
So I had to cut down narrower to 1 1/4" to
make it work a lot better.
Thank you both!!
It turned out really nice :)))
And my birds are really flying now!

-- Posted from my iPhone