Showing posts with label Lori Smith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lori Smith. Show all posts


I thought I had them!

by Lori Smith
@From my heart to your hands
A kit from Karen

All stitched down :D


Woolen kind of Day

Started my weekend with
 a fun project and music :D


Sneak Peek

designed by Lori Smith

I just made one basket block last night.

It's a tiny little thing - 3 1/2" finish!!
My fingers got cramp up. lol

But I really enjoy seeing
something springy in my sewing.
Flowers, baskets and and more!

Will get back with the rest soon :)

-- Posted from my iPhone


Limo's Dream Quilt

Limo's Dream Quilt - Disappearing 9 Patch
Size: 39"x 52"

Ms. Limo: Mommy finally finished MY quilt!

Ms. Limo: Is anyone would like to take a look at
the back side as well?
If you give me a yummy treat,
then I'll show you more ;)

I finished this one yesterday and
threw it into the washer/dryer last night
with these two small ones.

As for the machine quilting,
I decided to go with Free motion- stippling,
instead of the flower motives
what I originally planned
as I found I still need a lot more practices
before I can actually apply the flowers
onto the larger quilt.

I love the puffy vintage look a lot!!
Thanks Ms. H for a good advice :)

Ms. Limo: They are both mine, too.

Sorry, I have a little different plan though.
Here is a corner of our living room
where we have some of my framed works hanging.

And thie easel is supposed to be for
the "seasonal" framed work,
but it's been not changed since this applique...

So next time when I make something ,
a small seasonal quilt,
I will make sure to make it to fit in a frame
like some of the Lori Smith's patterns
so that I can enjoy it with just setting on the easel.

Well, it's that time again!
I'll be in Intense School to get certified with
something work related for the next few weeks,
till mid next month.
So my fun time with needlework
will be very limited and I'll put my blog
on vacation for a while.

I'll still post my progress of some projects
I've signed up for-
 One Flower Wednesday, Clamshell Club
and fun meetings during this period ;)

So see you all in a month
and have a wonderful summer!!


-- Posted from my iPhone


Sampler Fun

"Sampler Fun" from "Fat Quarter Quilting #1516" by Lori Smith
Monthly Mini kit 2009 by Temecula Quilt Co. 
Size: 16"x 20"

I finally finished this quilt top! What a good feeing :)))

Looks like I've started this one on this daythen got stopped after that as the heat has been really crazy here since then! I didn't really want to use the iron as much as I needed to... But fortunately it's been much cooler somehow since yesterday and I figured I got back to this one now, otherwise it'll sit there on my ironing board forever till the summer ends!
Ms. Limo: Anything yummy for me?

Sorry sweetie, it's not that kind of stuff :o
The above on the right bottom corner is the original one from the pattern, but I really like mine with all the pretty repro fabrics Sheryl has choosen for this kit :) I always enjoys her fabric selections with such vintage look. 

You may wonder if the top border is missing, but that just the way it is to make it fits in FQ size backing, I assume. 

-- Posted from my iPhone


Leftover cooking II

As I've been in the mood for "Bits & Pieces" with Civil War Repro kind of fabrics lately, I dug my left over scraps bags last night and came up with an idea!

The above are Miniature/Doll quilts I made in last fall. And of course there ate great amount of the scraps left behind these projects. And guess what??

I randomly pick these tiny bitty fabrics and just pieced together. What a relaxing moment-mindless piecing is so much fun!

Yes, the bits and pieces got turned into their new lives as some cute pincushions!! I stuffed them with the crushed walnuts as I learnt from BBD's workshop in 2008.

I don't know what I'm going to do with them yet, but it could be a good stocking stuffer ;) Thinking ahead is always good, isn't it?

BTW, as writing this post, I just remember something... I've actually used these same scraps to make Hexie pincushions last year as the gifts.

Then my new project started yesterday is coming along nicely. I laid all the pieces and they look like are ready to be sewed.

-- Posted from my iPhone



I just came back home from our fun and productive meeting in this afternoon.

Starting off from Show & Tell!

Cheryl designed and pieced this farbulous quilt top. She is working on the pattern to be available some time soon. I love these "Reds" by Judie Rothermel's line...

Another finished quilt by her.

Then Christmas tree skirt and

Schnibbles quilt by Pauleen.

This one was a class piece and she machine quilted as her very first time. It doesn't show clearly, but the feather pattern looked gorgeous on the borders.

It's a huge applique quilt. Some Homespun fabrics are used and they make the whole entire block looks nice and cozy.

And here is my finished quilt tops I brought to show off ;) Lori Smith's quilt is done now.

These Dresdens are today's project taught by Christine. They are actually the miniature Dresdens! Can you tell how tiny they are?

The above is my practice one with a rotary cutter. Now you can see the size of the motives... I still have to find a center piece to cover.

A scrap piece for a blade for Dresden is sitting right next to the 5" Charm Pack.

We had a lot of fun making these tiny ones while chatting about what we all have missed since out last meeting.

While we were all working on our Dresdens, Christine was sewing these blocks with also from Judie Rothermel's line.

The above is something I made before starting my Dresden by just pieced the left over scraps from the blades to be. It's an unfinished wonky pincushion as I didn't have the stuffing with me to finish it! Just because Cheryl expressed she liked those fabrics as I was cutting, I quickly made it for her. It's called "19 Century Reds". But she has to finish it on her own. What a deal, isn't it?

And the last one, but not the least for sure is Christine's Friendship quilt's signature blocks. She had whole bunch of them already have signed by her on-line quilty friends and we did the same for her today. Lovely Jo Morton's fabrics are used for the blocks.

That's about it for today's meeting. About the next month? Well, as the summer coming by, about a half of us are leaving town for their summer vacation places during the heat time, we don't know how we would like to plan for the next few meetings yet. Hopefully we can still meet up together and share our passion...

Off to make more miniature Dresdens before the dinner time ;)

-- Posted from my iPhone



I finally got back to this, Small Scale Quilt Study Group's meeting in March. (I missed the April's meeting.) This is another wonderful group I'm belonging to for the quilters, beside Sampler Sunday for the stitcher's. I feel pretty fortunate to be a member of these groups.

We start from Show & Tell on every meeting. We currently have 8-10 members and each one of us have all kinds of FOs, WIPs & UFOs to share.

Some has over 20 years of quilting experience, while another member has just started a few months ago.

Till this month, the extended version of "10 Block Sampler" by Lori Smith @"Fat-Quarter Quilting" was our project.

Cheryl who is hosting our group has suggested to add five extra blocks to make this small wall hanging more interesting.

Having some light snacks ;) It's my turn to bring something yummy this month. What would be a good one?

Well, I may be the only one still working on this, but a good news is this group is being running as self-paced and no time limit kind of thing, so there is no pressure about the deadline. What a lovely idea!

These pictures are mine, at the begining of this day with six finished blocks on my hand.

Then by the end of the meeting,

three more new blocks joined the party! Voilà!!

Our next meeting is scheduled for this Sunday afternoon. Our project for this month will be a miniature Dresden quilt. It'll be another fun time :)))

-- Posted from my iPhone