Science vs. Religion: It's all in our heads
Credit: © IMG_191 / Fotolia Clashes between the use of faith vs. scientific evidence to explain the world around us dates back centuries. If I understand the research in this report and in other studies posted here, the seeming conflict between faith and science resides in each of us due in part to the structures of our brains combined with how each individual's brain is genetically constructed combined with the fact that of the twenty or so "modes" of our brain, only one can grab the attention of our conscious and aware self at a time. Recent research (below in related stories) shows differences between conservative and liberal thought processes; conservatives tending to more dominant amygdala reactions and liberals tending to more frontal lobe responses. (This is my extremely simplistic explanation of our immensely complex brains.) The importance of this is that political views are as much genetically controlled as based on logical conclusion. Now...