
Showing posts with the label Writing fiction and screenplays

How (Not) to Win Over Your In-laws.

How many movies and TV shows use the conflict between potential in-laws and a suitor?   Some?   . . .most?                 . . .all?  This is the conflict of so many sit-coms and rom-coms.  Boy meets girl.  Girl introduces boy to parents.  Parents freak out.  A plot is born. So what does science say about this ever-lasting theme?  Is there a best way to resolve the issue? Note to authors and screenwriters :  Here is a list of ways to do it right.  Of course, you want to use the wrong ways in your story, (at least at first), or have no story.  Romeo & Juliet wouldn't be Romeo and Juliet without the Montagues and Capulets, would it?  As always, there is a link to the full report in the attribution. *  *  *  *  * 'I am right for your child!' Research reveals the best tactics for manipulating your partner's parents The key to dealing...

Your visual cortex makes decisions?

Credit: Michigan State University Michigan State University neuroscientist Jan Brascamp led a study suggesting that the brain's visual cortex is more versatile than previously believed. Here, Brascamp describes the effect that looking at multiple  images through a viewfinder can have on the brain. One of the perks of being alive today is following what researchers are learning about the way the human brain functions.  Sure, there were a lot of theories floating around, but theories based on hard science, not so much.   Is this of interest to all writers?  Probably not, but it is fascinating to this writer.  I enjoy crossword puzzles, and I'm always surprised at the arcane information that is floating around inside my head.  While I often can't find my keys or glasses, my brain comes up with obscure answers to the damnedest questions.  For example, how do I know that Mary Queen of Scots first mother-in law's-name was Cathe...

Self-deceived people are good at deceiving others

Image " People don't always reward the most accomplished, but rather the most self-deceived ." T his may seem obvious, but researchers have confirmed that overconfident people can fool others into believing they are more talented than they actually are.  Ever noticed this before? What's interesting is that the researchers use the words overconfident and self-deceived as synonyms. Self-deceived individuals are more likely to get promotions and reach influential positions in banks and other organizations, and are likely to overestimate other people's abilities and  take greater risks,  creating problems for their organizations.  Or in the case of your story, cause problems in a relationship or across your story arc. And those that are under-confident ~ The study by researchers from Newcastle University and the University of Exeter, has also found that those who are under confident in their own abilities are viewed as less able by...