
Showing posts with the label stone age

Feasts at Stonehenge: How Stone Age Man Ate.

Credit: © vencav / Fotolia    Stonehenge. Feasts and food choices:  Culinary habits of the Stonehenge builders    Map showing the location of Durrington Walls and its position in relation to Stonehenge.  Archaeologists have revealed new insights into cuisine choices and eating habits at Durrington Walls -- a Late Neolithic monument and settlement site thought to be the residence for the builders of nearby Stonehenge during the 25th century BC. Together with researchers at the University of Sheffield, detailed analysis of pottery and animal bones has uncovered evidence of organised feasts featuring barbeque-style roasting, and an unexpected pattern in how foods were distributed and shared across the site. Chemically analyzing food residues remaining on several hundred fragments of pottery, the York team found differences in the way pots were used. Pots deposited in residential areas were found to be u...