Caitlyn Jenner, Rachel Dolezal and our freedom of choice The question is, if Caitlyn Jenner can choose her sex, can Rachel Dolezal choose her race? In cases like Jenner or Dolezal, does it come down to the freedom change what is genetically imbued to meet personal choice, personal preference, of self-identification? How much can each of us change ourselves by psychotherapy or plastic surgery or exercise or diet? Is there a limit to what we can change about ourselves? And how? . . .before it becomes an issue to those around us or to or society as a whole. If we believe in absolute personal freedom - as long as we don't yell fire in a movie theater - are there or should there be other limits? Who gets to set the limits? Is it a politically controlled, majority rules decision? Or does it fall within the choice of the individual? Getting back to the cases in point, if one can choose her sex, can the other choose her race? Sounds like a topic a writer should explore. * ...