Showing posts with label Wood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wood. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Mixed Media Art.. and some drawings. :)

Hello there craft friends!
Today I have some art to share with you. I've been doing a little drawing and have recently discovered Art Journaling. I signed up about a month for an Online Workshop by Jamie Dougherty.
If you aren't familiar with her she is the artist behind Prima's Bloom Girl Collection. I just love Jamie's style. Her paintings are to die for.. GORGEOUS!
She's been a HUGE inspiration to me over the last couple months.. after all the times I've drooled all over her gallery's, Facebook and website I finally took a crack at a few things of my own.
Here's a small 5x7 piece of wood that I sketched on. I got the wood from Redeemwood. It has a smooth surface and you are able to blend beautifully with pencils. Next time I take a crack at this I think I'll try painting. :) I used some stickers and put one of my favorite sayings. Probably, the most important phrase ever.. and I've been telling this to myself a lot lately. My dad always tells me,
"Don't Stress over ANYTHING you can't control!"
When I look at this drawing I did I see the stress lifting off of her.

Faber-Castell - Create something you don't Create Often
Art Journaling- Flower Power

Next, I'd like to share the first page in my Art Journal. This is designed by Jamie Dougherty. If you sign up for her Blooming Through the Seasons Workshop you get access to her videos and PDFs for 12 months! You learn all sorts of techniques from drawing to mixed media!
 I'm enjoying this class so much!
Just look how gorgeous her illustrations are! I LOVE them!
Well, here's my first Page.. I'm sure I will get lots better! LOL!
All that matters is I had FUN! :)