Showing posts with label Bev. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bev. Show all posts

Friday, December 5, 2008


This is a slighly reworked image of one posted on Thanksgiving morning in the basement. It uses Bev's snow scene, again.

The basement version has more disruption bewtween the window panes - in this one the vegetation flows "better." Not sure which I like "better. " I do know I like beer.

Much of my good work involves the use of trees, it seems.


The antibiotics are working - I am coughing less and less and less. My best.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Thursday, November 27, 2008


Bev sampled - trees in a snowy English field. This field is also sampled in the lonely basement.

Andrea used the word "grateful" in a recent comment and that is such an extraordinary word, under used and, thus, packed with meaning.

There really is so much to be grateful for - family, friends, talents, et cetera.

I have been reaching out via this blog for about a year now - maybe a few weeks less. I am grateful that I have met so many of you, shared your art and gotten glimpses of your lives.

When I look at my art from a year ago I see that it has evolved and much has to do with the encouragement and inspiration I have gotten here. Gracias.

My best.

Friday, June 6, 2008


This one belongs to Lisa. I take no credit....her canvas shows great, great promise.

There are also traces of Bev's portrait a little bit belongs to Bev.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Bev pic tossed and turned and taste of mascara added from NZ sky and NZ trees.

Lunch today at MOMA - overall unispired drawing exhibit with some nice pieces, including collages. Excellent photographic exhibit from museum's collection - many masters - Brasai, Weston, Adams, Steichen, et al. Gorgeous black and white prints with details in light and shadow.

Bev sampled here,again, as she leaves blogsville, bummed - blogging is sort like a tour of duty - bloggers (new recruits) come, you befriend them and make art along side them and then they leave (disappear)....maybe me too someday a casualty of internet banditos or burn out

What do you do when half the blogs you list are inactive for more than a few months? And some are from the bloggers who first welcomed you? Hang on, because....then, suddenly you get surprised....

Oh, well. Ephemeral flowers. Are there any other kind? Annuals, perennials, biennials.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Bev's delightful portrait sampled. Hope she does not mind.....