Showing posts with label greg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label greg. Show all posts

Saturday, February 16, 2008


Another Sue O'Kieffe sample with elements from my son Greg's Christmas tree lights experiment. Artificial tree and nature merged. Nature and ritual reunited. A rectangular circle for the geometry challanged.

I expect a red winged black bird to sing any minute.


Sacred Circle marsh, color and contrast altered for manipulation.

BTW, an esp portrait of me in southern hemisphere. Toilets flush counter clockwise there due to the spin of the earth.

Monday, December 17, 2007

My oldest son will be twelve in February. I bought him a digital camera last year for Christmas and he takes good pictures and makes little videos with it. I have posted a couple of his photographs - one of the Florida Keys and another of mute swans and their cygnets, the latter taken last June.

Greg has been watching me on the computer and asking questions about how I manipulate photos. I came home last night and he showed me his first "creation" that is more than merely experimental.


The footprint is of large wading bird, probably a great white heron, at Grassy Key north of Marathon. I remember standing there last April and showing him the imprint in the muddy white clay.

Am I a "bad dad" for wanting to rotate the image. Instead, I will show him and let him decide....

Monday, June 18, 2007

Swan Lake

My eleven year old son took this picture - very nice composition.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Grassy Key

Photo, looking down at tidal pond, taken by my eleven year old son. He got a digital camera for Christmas. We saw a Reddish Egret in this pond. There were a large number of Palm Warblers in the area also.

The Reddish Egret we saw was the white phase. Below is more common phase.

Grassy Key is best known for a Dolphin Institute where for a hundred dollars a tourist can swim with a dolphin.