Showing posts with label electronic collage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label electronic collage. Show all posts

Sunday, January 6, 2008


High tide retaining walls at Dade County Park on Biscayne Bay. The rocks are fossilized seabed, now bleached by sun. Image was a while ago, maybe May 2007. Found it today in My Pictures and I saw it differently than when created very quickly. Need to look at it more, so placed it here.

Weekend has left me with no current collage project.

Debi was too kind today in her wonderful blog. Her photos are truly solid and by solid I mean of the highest quality and singular vision. Her work exudes integrity, excellence, enjoyment and uncompromising reliance and belief in humanity. I am amazed and inspired daily.

My first poach was of one of her excellent photographs and I feel guilty because I have placed it in my portfolio even though she owns it, heart and soul.

Like the picture above, Debi's image was done very quickly, and that "ease" and speed left me feeling like it was rushed, superficial. Debi's picture is not - I like it so much - and I really should rename it as suggested to me.

Thank you, Debi.

Some people put a comma there before the salutation and others do not. I admit that I do not have all the answers.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

I added a link today for blog fotograag - Hans from Holland who takes great photos and had a number of other blogs. Look at the second recent goose photo. The zooblogy has funny inspired photo collages and watch series is very creative and entertaining. Upbeat and carefree. I like the cow pictures.

The scanfan series is genius. Hans - another John. Welcome and thank you.

Below is another image inspired by Lisa's "Grounded" - now quite removed.


My aunt who I loved was buried today. Her husband had died a few months back and she seemed to lose her will to live. A true love story.

The image does not do their lives credit. Good bye and my sincerest thanks.

Thursday, January 3, 2008


Returned to a wonderful dark image that allows colors to flow.


Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Still leaning to greens - very cold morning in New York. I hate it when someone complains about the New York City heat in late June. June heat anytime.

Four seasons do give you a better sense of time - when something happened ("Yes, when we fell in love, back when my fingers were numb from the wind chill....").

I must blink 2,000 times a day. Just did it again.

Back at work. No more vacation. Yes, I will show you the money, cliche aside.


Monday, December 31, 2007


This is definatively the end of 2007. The last weeks, getting to start to know you have been memorable here. Regards.


Sampled form New Year's poster - tonight forty years old - it was an all night concert in San Francisco that featured Jefferson Airplane, Quicksilver Messenger Service and Janis Joplin and Big Brother and the Holding Company. All top rank San Francisco bands, at height of their power - fresh - when San Francisco was all the Hanna Montana rage, and a wee wee wee wee wee less commercial.

9 PM to 9 Am - six dollars and included breakfast.

I have a bootleg of the Quicksilver set, great guitar band, but the audio is terrible.


Image, again, sampled from sample New Year's poster and also from here. Elegant acrylics done with no fear or pretense.

Last night's study was cropped element of this.

Forty years old and three years old - there is hope and there are memories.....together they make for how I feel today. Happy New Year. Peace, everywhere.

Sunday, December 30, 2007


Short study.


Another image created from Bobbie's vision. Seeking a bit of June splendor as the year winds down...up north and up east. Blue state right now.

Early June leaves are glorious here. The color, their vitality. Overwhelmed of course to most by the burst of flowers.

Lately I have been focusing on the subtle beauty of evergreens.

Saturday, December 29, 2007



Process - started out calm, got crazy and in the end I worked without "save as" because I love having no safety net. With MS Paint you can only undo three actions and then it is set with crazy glue.

Last version, warmer and more saturated - slightly:

Friday, December 28, 2007


Spent today in Manhattan with my family. Insane thing to do because of the holiday crowds. Lemmings everywhere all committing financial suicide by opulent spending, each at the level they consider a luxury. For some, that means carrying bags out of at a discount store, others were grazing at Cartier's on Fifth Avenue.

The highlight was some time in music stores on 48th street where I showed my son some electric basses. A young man was playing Flamenco on an electric guitar and we listened for about ten minutes as he mastered the song and instrument. Quite engaging. What I noticed with musicians is that their art can be social - interactive, an audience is sought or warranted.

"Painting" for the most part has been lonely, but for my recent excursions on blogs here. For a long time I did not reach out or look or communicate. There is a fellowship here and I am drawn to it.

Thank you to those who have been kind and open.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

This image belongs to Bobbie - who most graciously allowed me to borrow it - the intent here is to continue the process discussion.

With manipulation there is the ability to push the envelope and create colors that can soothe or jolt. I prefer soothing the palette in many instances because it camouflages the manipulation and keeps the focus more on the created image rather than on the process.

I seek to submerge the process - make it transparent. Here is the original image - my changing the tone makes it less magical, more somber.

I prefer Bobbie's vision, but wanted to show the example...

Later I played a bit with Bobbie's and quite by "accident" I defoliated the landscape. Alas. much time in the blender, but still not a Daiquiri.


Have a great day.
Again, to show process and also to highlight simple cheap trick of inverting colors which creates instant compliment (ying your yang) - like a politician kissing babies or taking a small earnest bribe.

Do not shoot me, I am just the piano player. Movie then an album. Listening to Feist, "The Reminder."

Drinking glasses in hotel bathroom during summer business trip to San Francisco. I miss San Francisco, grew up there.


Prior steps in process:

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Disraeli Gears, when I was young and new.everything.

Bigger, brother - one "save as" removed.


Sunday, December 23, 2007


Saturday, December 22, 2007


I see this as three pictures - the composition on the right, the one on the left, and the combined.

Friday, December 21, 2007


I have tagged this as "sampled" and "draft," because it is a first embrace, a tenuous dance. The photo sampled is this photograph of a blue tinted tin wall with roof, tongue of a sky and wondrous semi-dormant vine. That moment does not exist but for a well situated mind and shutter. Here is the image - photo one. Debi is a photographer and her blog shows vision and you can share in her delight in the day by day journey.

I don't know. I like to sample, to re-work and process something that draws me. I saw this Texas wall on my blackberry and it soft echoed as I commuted.

I love seeing blog art blackberry sized. Then on a good monitor. Two worlds, one or two mindsets.

Thursday, December 20, 2007


Confessions typed then hidden, obscured. Like thoughts in our heads or pure maybe vapid impulses. I smudge, therefore I am.

Who does not want "more?" Maybe, me?




Today was a transitional day. Met my former model who is leaving town, sadly, and met with another friend about an opportunity. Change - it is going to be good.


Made from birches, below, and close up of Regina Spektor eye, color manipulated.

Working (real job) too hard for just before Christmas.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Used my tulips, again. Lylac Wonder with colors inverted. Cheap or an obsession, poossibly a cheap obcession. I know it is too soon to want crocuses.