Showing posts with label Debi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Debi. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Monday, February 22, 2010


I am feeling better - a second opinion and lab results confirmed it was whooping cough, but it looks like I am in the third phase of the infection which is slow recuperation, with some ups and down feeling good then worse.

Here it is a bit warmer which has melted some of the snow, but there may be more snow later in the week. I want to see a crocus.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Tested positive for whooping cough. County board of health called me. Need to wear a surgical mask to the doctor's office for second opinion.

Hell of a month. Peace.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Working with large photo files supplied by Debi Cates I see that my computer does not have enough RAM for work I have done fairly easily with smaller files. Very interesting yet frustrating explorations....above is a detail from a much larger draft.

Still out sick and coughing. Getting better, very slowly. Oddest coughing fit of my life. Still waiting for lab results on whooping cough.

My best.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


The image above incorporate some details from photographs graciously provided by Debi Cates. It is not representative of where I see our collaboration going, but as of late I have less energy to create so I combined limbs etc into a work in progress. Thank you, Debi - you are most gracious.

Please also check out her new Creative Round Table blog.

Below is a shot from our front door of the mid week snow storm. The snow fell very wet and clung to all tree limbs, more so than I have ever seen. Our old dogwood was bent over in by the weight and we did lose one small branch from the ordeal. You are looking at a cherry tree in the foreground, a linden tree at the curb and the not yet plowed street.

Sunday, December 20, 2009



I was not that happy with the earlier version - here it is retooled and retitled. The subject is COSMICaroline in her imaginative Halloween costume.

In late October we had dried leaves. Flash foward - we had two feet of snow to shovel today. I am not dreaming of a white Christmas. Our kids had fun, but my arms and back ache. Marie, my darling shovel buddy, also is very tired.

I am not sure how many of you know Debi Cates but she is a remarkable photographer and friend living in West Texas. Debi was one of my first blog friends and inspired me through her words and her actions. She allowed me to sample two years ago and if you click on her name under Labels you will see "old" work together. It seems like light years ago.

Debi and I will be working together, with my sampling (for the first time) some of her splendid full sized images and that is incredibly exciting for me. I really admire Debi's work.

Thanks, Debi. All my best.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Back to Japan with a taste of NY leaves by way of western Texas. Around the world in eighty megabytes, or less.

Friday, June 27, 2008


Back to good weed. Small version of fairly large file.

Same manipulation journey as resulted in image in post directly below.


Debbi's incredible weed photograph is sampled here - hope she does not mind. Also a New York tabloid photo - the eighteen year old that broke up a super model's marriage. Lust in the Hamptons, forty miles and a world away from where I type.

Every six months I am a sucker for a lurid story - last one was the fall of our noble moral Governor. Life and lust goes on.

Saturday I hope to be able to go to the beach and then hang out with friends and neighbors for the annual Fourth of July fireworks display. The day we celebrate our freedom from the darn Brits (why would they want to tax for stamps or tea?).

Wimbledon is also on now - I listen to it on the Internet - tennis on the radio is a wonderful thing Try it....

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Pulled out of the ashes - a little old phoenix.

Feel like in a bit of a posting multiple images.


This one has been sampled into oblivion and mostly samples are in the ether - there are traces of Kris' video heart....


There are so many choices in pursuing art - whether it be music, dance, painting. Sometimes we fail. We as artists compete always with Investment Bankers. Lawyers. Thieves.

Sometimes it is easier to judge than to survive. Live long and prosper.

Saturday, March 1, 2008


Debi sampling - as we march on. Double post day. Also tree limb fragments from Babaloo.

Been out a lot today - indoor soccer and errands. Wanted to go to a duck decoy show but had other commitments,. Do hop[e to get to flower show tomorrow - very large indoor nursery like eight barns.

I like decorative gardening and this show has forced blossoms so for me it is wild to see at peak tulips next to perfect roses near hostas and lilacs near sunflowers. All portions of a summer merge and overlap - dream like.

I like the complexity and harshness of this adaptation. This one foams.

Monday, February 18, 2008


Image made from snippets of Kris painting , Debi wild watermellon and an old glass apple that has great legs (better than mine) - yes, samples of artists I have met here.

Heres hoping Hans gets better very soon so he can post more mad pics of his yesterdays and tomorrows. May you soar like the birds you captured so well on wing.

Our best.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Sometimes doing this art is like being at the dentist, other times like having a good Irish coffee. Tonight I can taste the whiskey and not the lead.

This Bandito worked late and came home 'round midnight. TV was horrible and finally he poached, not eggs, but a landscape. Here, not here.

I know I am on thin ground here - first the soft trick of color inversion - then the fact the composuitiomn almost is a mirror image. I think the color variations to the left do pull me back into the image - still the jury is out. Possibly hung-over (not me, though).

The original is a lovely landscape. For Debi, who encourages so many people 'round here, in daylight and yes, 'round midnight.

I added my last name to the blog - yikes to privacy.

Sunday, January 13, 2008


This also sampled from Irene by way of a young girl in Tejas....

Bumps along the way:

I also like this bottom one.

Monday, January 7, 2008


Sampled from Debi, again. I did not see a purple fence post next to the image, but I my poor excuse to the Texas Rangers will be that yes, I am color blind. Did not see the red light and did not see that purple post. Gracias.


Sunday, December 30, 2007


Short study.

Sunday, December 23, 2007


May be my last picture before the holidays. All the gifts are bought, lights and tree are up, need to wrap, cook, and be merrier. I have been creating more lately - on a roll and it is hard to stop it.

This image sampled from both entries here.

I have really enjoyed borrowing these kind cups of sugar from my new neighbor- looking and "stealing" - I am a visual pick pocket out on parole, maybe on the dole. Sort of like exhibiting "something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue."

"Looking for adventure and whatever comes my way."


Went back to the "saved stages of creation" and this one leaped forth, like Prancer or Blitzen.

Less is more - sort of like the first sampled in this Texan string. It happened clear and fast - zombie like. Other quilts require a mid wife or an epidural - and because of the effort at first seem more "earned."

I like this one now. Putting it on the sled...

Saturday, December 22, 2007


Again, sampled from the great peaceful state of Texas, hopefully with implied permission.

Working for years with high caliber Manhattan corporate lawyers has made me a deliberate weasel. Life sentence in dog years.

Friday, December 21, 2007


I have tagged this as "sampled" and "draft," because it is a first embrace, a tenuous dance. The photo sampled is this photograph of a blue tinted tin wall with roof, tongue of a sky and wondrous semi-dormant vine. That moment does not exist but for a well situated mind and shutter. Here is the image - photo one. Debi is a photographer and her blog shows vision and you can share in her delight in the day by day journey.

I don't know. I like to sample, to re-work and process something that draws me. I saw this Texas wall on my blackberry and it soft echoed as I commuted.

I love seeing blog art blackberry sized. Then on a good monitor. Two worlds, one or two mindsets.